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I just purchased this new laptop today with 1.5Ghz independent video card and much faster processor than previous laptop I was having various troubles on.
On both laptops my HD video has horizontal lines, or distortions, running across the full length of the video. I have played the vidoe directly from the camcorder to the TV and it is fine. I also just used Media Player to play the video and it plays fine.
I have the most recent update to PD9. The only thing that is the same is that the software on both computers came off of the same disk.
I haad talked extensively with tech support when I was using the older computer and they had no idea what was happening. Now I have a brand new laptop and the same issue. (I haven't even tried to render vidoe on this new one yet to see if it is much faster than the 14 hours my old one took to render vidoe.)
Any ideas?

The reason I mentioned the temp files is that Cyberlink Tech mentioned to me awhile back to routinely delete certain files to keep things running smoothly. I will call tech support tomorrow and see what they were referring too. Yes, I do clean the recycle bin routinely.

I guess that is it for now,

Thank you again FredB. I know little about what can and can't be R&R'd in laptops. Is it possible/practical to replace either one of these components, or am I better off going with a new laptop or pc, and try to sell this for what I can??

I am getting enough film to process that I can't afford the time it is taking to render these projects. Also, would I be better off with not adding smart sound, or any sound?

It just has me courious why this seemed to work so well when the computer was new and the software was new. What files do I need to keep deleting besides temporaries. I have done little of this and could this cause trouble. I though tech support told me one time that I needed to keep three or four differnt files/folders cleaned out for best performance.

I guess that is all for now. Again, I appreciate your help and advice.

FredB, you gave me some good advice that brought me a big step forward.
Yet I went out for two hours and came back hoping the rendering would be close to done. It is now 5+ hours into it and has only gone 52%. Is this somewhat normal?
I am wondering on the next film I convert wether to turn the quality down even more, or do something else so that perhaps the file sizes aren't so large to work with?
I appreciat any other help out there.

Thanks FredB!!

I just started rendering 30 minutes ago and already 20% done. This is flying along compared to before.
I did have an earlier build for PD9, plus updated drivers, etc.

I am back in business!

Thank you so much FredB for the quick response. When I said I had tried to post an hour ago, my original post didn't leave my computer due to some personal protection software I didn't turn off.

I will do what you have recommended and get back with results.

I am updating the video driver, and other drivers, right now. I am not sure if I have ultra64 or not. have to look.

Again, thanks and I am glad I am now part of this forum.

I sent a request for help about an hour ago and haven't seen it post??

I am a new user and have been having troubel with very slow rendering. When I first got PD9 about a year ago, it would only take about a 5 hours to render an hours worth of video. I have been using the same Canon Vixia HG20 camcorder the entire time. Then six or seven months ago I had a crash, and after getting everything reset PD9 has become nearly impossible to work with. It now takes a good 12-13 hours if the rendering doesn't stop. I have it stopping anywhere form 5% to 95% rendered and it just doesn't go any further.

I have placed my source video on the C: and still have trouble. The files are AVCHD, but yesterday I used a m2ts converter and converted to just a basic DVD format for media player.

I am six hours into a rendering and really don't want to stop unless someone gives me some advice that will help. The current video is 70 minutes long, was 4.9GB in size until smart fit brought it to 4.0GB. I have spent many hours with tech support and have reinstalled PD9 at least 3 times.

Attached is my dxdiag files. I hope someone can spot where my problem lies.

Thanks for any help,
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