I have IE and FoxFire both installed and I set each as default and still get the error message no matter which is default.
It has something to do with the links on the youtube tab.
I enterered my username and password and PD went ahead and compiled and downloaded.
Then a link to view my video appeared but when I clicked the link I got the message
CyberLink PowerDirector
You're trying to use a feature that requires a web browser on this system. Install and enable a web browser on your PC and then try again.
What file format option does PD use when preparing a file for uploads to YouTube?
My original file is a .mov at 720p and 60fps.
Is it sending a .wmv that youtube converts to .flv
Thanks Jerry
I get the message Install and enable a web browser on your PC when I try to upload to youtube.
I have my browser open, what do I have to do to convince PD?
Thanks to everyone, I have looked at all the suggestions, but now I am sure I have to get my camera and see what I get. I'm more instrested in full frame images of children with balanced light. My Zi8 should be here Thursday.
Thanks Jerry
Does anyone have a couple files from a zi8 i could practice with.
thanks jerry
Does the second timeline overlay anything in timeline 2?
I am brand new to all this and I am confused about what I can do with multiple time lines?