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Hi Michael,

I know you have to ask the obvious, but it frustrates me that on the forum & on Cyberlink Technical I jump through hoops to rule out everything that I could have done wrong, when I know from day 1 that the problem is with Cyberlinks software!

But, since I know you do try your best to help;

The 3D setting is on Auto-detect, but I have also tried on manually selecting Nvidia 3D, which was what it was originally working on, and then stopped working on.

The output (which I have already confirmed) is from my Nvidia GTX480 via DVI-to-HDMI lead, which plugs into my Acer H5360 projector, which is on 120hz.

Like I said already, Arcsoft TMT5 works fine, and PowerDVD10 works fine upto patch 2113, and my 3D pictures & video I have taken work fine, and 3D gaming works fine - but as soon as the newer patch is installed, only the menus are in 3D on PowerDVD.

I have not tried patch 2429, as it only appeared yesterday, and will therefore try it this weekend - but I hold little hope for it!




So I uninstalled PowerDVD, and reinstalled , and did a Registry Clean, and reinstalled - No change
So I uninstalled ArchSot TMT5, and did a Reg clean - still no change
So I uninstalled NVidia Graphics & 3D drivers & reinstalled - will still no change

As a last resort I uninstalled PowerDVD, and then reinstalled each patch one at a time (the first time I reinstalled PowerDVD above, it informed me of the latest patch & skipped all of the intermediate updates over the months).

The Mk2 1830 patch made the 3D work again !!!!!
The next patch (2113) still worked fine.

BUT the 2325 patch sucked! and 3D was lost again!!!!!

I'm now sticking with the 2113 patch, as I am using a Nvidia card & not an ATI, which was the main reason for the latest patch, and I do not suffer from any of the issues which the 2325 patch fixed.

I'm confirming this to Cyberlink Technical as it is an obvious issue, but would ask then anybody else with 3D issues try referring to the early 2113 patch to see if that resolves this, and to also let Cyberlink Technical know, as I worry that (like most companies) unless it affects many, they will do little to remedy it!

ps. I do still have a AV issue with some of the latest movies, as my old thread below, if anybody has a resolution for me on this?



Hi Michael,

The reason I didn't post the information is that it is totally irrelevant.

The fact of the matter is that the menus are in 3D, but the movies are not - whilst up until 2 months ago, it all worked fine.

I have in the last 2 months installed the PowerDVD10 patch & installed ArcSoft TMT5 - looking at the latest Nvidia drivers released 8th Nov 2010, I will have installed these too.

3D works fine with games, and with TMT5, and strangely with the 'menus' in PowerDVD.

My initial thoughts, given that the majority of other people will have the latest NVidia & Cyberlink drivers/patches, are that perhaps the TMT5 has stolen some type of file protocol from PowerDVD ?

I'm basing this on the fact that the menus are 3D in PowerDVD, so it is processing 3D for this file type (whateve file type the still image menues are) but the actual movie footage isn't, so therefore PowerDVD is not processing these files properly.

As you have asked, the display is an Acer H5360 projector fed from a GTX480 via DVI-HDMI, and set at 720p @ 120hz.

Other than the above mentioned updates/installation, nothing has been changed on my PC, and no other software installed (other than obvious Window 7 64 updates & Norton 360 updates).

I can't see the latest NVidia driver being the issue, as there would be numerous people complaining about this issue, and similarly if it was the latest PowerDVD10Ultra Mk2 update - 2325)

I have unassociated all file association within TMT5, and made PowerDVD the default player for Blu-Ray, which hasn't helped (and in all fairness I didn't think would).

It is my understanding that the regedit produces an hierachy of codec's, and although I assume each programme uses its own/preferred, could it be that the later installed TMT5 software has put a codec at the top of the list, and this is in someway stopping PowerDVD from using it's????

Any help is appreciated - and as previously stated, I do not intent to uninstall TMT5 due to an ongoing issue with PowerDVD on a minor amount of movies which makes them irriating to watch, and thus needing TMT5 as a back-up piece of software.


Hi all,
Haven't had anything 3D for a while, and have just tried to play something and found the 3D not to be working - HOWEVER, the menu's ARE in 3D ????

This has either occurred since installing the latest patch OR since installing ArcSofts TMT5 - as the last time I watched 3D was at the start of November 2010, and have done both of the above since this.

ArcSoft TMT5 does play 3D, but I have a buffering type issue with that software (micro-pauses through movies on ALL movies - think it is due to framerate/hz).

It just seems strange that the menus/title screens are 3D - even when I bring-up a pop-up menu whilst the movie is playing, the movie continues in 2D with the menu in 3D !!!!

Any help is appreciated - I have tried reinstalling the latest PowerDVD patch (10 Ultra Mk2 - patch 2325) & do not want to start messing about uninstalling TMT5 as I need that due to an ongoing issue with PowerDVD10 and a handfull of the latest blu ray releases, where I have to revert to TMT5 as a back-up plan.



Yes - I am using an optical lead from the SPDIF to the amp to transmit the sound, not the HDMI output.

I have tried a different optical lead, and it does not ressolve the issue.

I always select the SPDIF output in the SoundMax control panel prior to starting PowerDVD, and PowerDVD is det to 'use current system (SPDIF)' in the audio option when started, but I today also tried actuallt sleceting SPDIF in PowerDVD also - this again as not ressolved the issue.

I have also tried slecting the Dolby Digital Mixing & DTS Mixing options in PowerDVD, to see if this alters anything (I assume selecting Dolby Digital Mixing outputs the sound in DD rather than DTS) - whilst this makes no difference to the issue.

Again, ArcSoft's software does plays all blu rays fine, albeit I have witness some slight split second picture pauses throughout the movie, whilst these do not affect the sound which continues fine, they are for a fraction of the time (ie. 10th second as opposed to 1/2-1 second in PowerDVD), and occur around one every 30 minutes, not 2-3 times per minute like PowerDVD.
Im sure others suffer the same from Arcsofts issue which is really only me being extremely critical of it, as I am comparing its performance (most, including my wife, do not even notice the pause in ArcSofts TMT5).

Arcsoft have an offer on at the moment with a 25% saving, and so I am probably going to pay-out $75+VAT, which is annoying when I have only this year paid in excess of this for Cyberlinks PowerDVD10.

Any swift ideas you have within the next 30hrs are much appreciated, as ArcSofts offer ends on Tuesday, and I would like to save myself the money and not have 2 almost identical programmes on my PC.

Much appreciated,


My info is as follows;

PowerDVD Version - FULL VERSION - Latest v2325
PowerDVD SR Number - DVD100920-01
PowerDVD TR Number - TR101125-038
Operating System - x64 Bit Windows 7
Administrator Account
Is your PowerDVD a Retail product or bundles with HW? - RETAIL - downloaded from Cyberlink
Used VGA - POV Nvidia Gfx GTX 480
Used VGA driver version - Latest Drivers 260.99
Used Audio device - Onboard MBO - Asus Striker 2 Formula
Used Audio device driver version - Latest SoundMAX_AD1988B_Audio_V61016585
Used ODD drive (full model name and Firmware Version) - LG CH10BH20 (or something like that - firmware fixed)
Used Display(s) - Samsung RZ2233 & Acer H5360 Projector
Which kind of display connection (HDMI/DisplayPort/VGA/DVI) - DVI-DVI for monitor (must be ran 60hz for PowerDVD to work) & DVI-HDMI for projector (120hz works fine, and so does 3D)
Are you using single or dual monitor environment - varies, generally extended view - but not of this makes any odds as I have the problem in all modes, including single, with 2nd display being disconnected
What kind of Antivirus SW are you using - NORTON 360 - latest Version & fully up-to-date

The detailed issue description -

Please also add your DXDIAG log to the post (as attachement) - on the above thread link

So as not to steal AthranZara's thread, do you want to reply against both this (AthranZara's thread) and my thread, or is it easiest to keep them as one?

I also have a ticket open with Cyberlink, but they are throwing the usual basic obtacles at me in each response.

It is obviously a Cyberlink issue, given that all other software works, whilst I understand the awkwardness to produce a piece of software compatable for everbody, given the unimaginable amount of varying hardware set-ups.

With regards to the statement that the latest update for PowerDVD10 addresses the bitstreaming for GTX400 HMDI out - could it be that the SPDIF side of things has been overlooked?????

All I want is this resolved, or confirmation that it cannot be resolved, and something by the way of a refund so that I can purchase alternative software that does do as it says on the tin.

AthranZara - Again, sorry for jumping on your thread, and I hope that you continue to add to this, and get your responses & issue ressolved also.


Sorry for jumping on your thread AthranZara,

Michael - my amp is a Nakamitchi AV-10; its not the newest amp but was £1,000 when purchased and is fully DD & DTS certified, and works with all consumer equipment, and all pc hardware I have ever owned, and all forms of software & games, other than PowerDVD10 - and oit is only on a few of the latest movies that dont work - but thats a few too many!!!

How about you AthranZara?


I'm not sure that what I am about to say is correct, but the following may be connected to your issue (albeit not 3D related - just general playback);

- There is currently a thread on this forum stating that there is an issue bitstreaming DTS DH when using a gfx 400 series card (the thread actually refers to the GTX 460) - and there is a response stating that Cyberlink are working on a solution - with no planned date !!!!!

- I am also having audio issues, yet both the sound & picture keep pausing for a split second randomly (and sometimes excessively) through some of the new movies. I am using a GTX 480, but outputting the sound through the SPDIF optically, not the HDMI - so I am awaiting confirmation as to whether my issue is related to the Cyberlink software compatability with the gfx 400 series cards.

What you could try (as I did yesterday) is to download the ArcSoft Total MediaTheather 5 15-day-trial for free - this for me has ruled-out my hardware and amplifier from being the issue, as ArcSofts software is running everything fine.
If you find the problem continues, then it may be a hardware issue that you have.

Hope this goes to some way to help ressolve your issue.



I posted an issue on this forum on 2/12/10 titled "Blu ray keeps pausing through movie for split seconds".

I have a GTX 480, could my issue be related to the GTX 400 bitstreaming issue to which you are referring?


Help still wanted & appreciated!
After more investigation, I have found that 'at the moment' all of the movies using Dolby Digital play fine, and the 3 movies I have the issue with (Prince of Persia, Robin Hood, Ironman 2) all use DTS - however, the flaw to this DTS being the issue is that all other DTS movies I have have also played fine!

I am pretty much out of ideas - please help!!!!


I don't know if this will help - but I have a Samsung RZ2233 monitor, and due to the cable used to connect it to the PC, PowerDVD will only work if I change the refresh rate of the monitor to 60hz (normally have it on 120hz due to using it for 3D).
Maybe it is the same for your monitor?
Hope you solve it soon,
I've checked all of the forum (and internet) with no luck.
I have been using PowerDVD10Ultra Mk2 now for some time, with no issues, even with recent 3D movies - HOWEVER;
Recently I have found a number of new blu ray titles which have being problematic (Robin Hood, Prince of Persia, Ironman 2), whilst all other blu rays, including some new ones such as Christmas carol 3D seem to have been fine (especially the older movies).
What happens is that every so often the audio & video pauses for a split second (say 1/2 second) - and can occurr at intervals of anything between 30minutes & 10 seconds, and as often as anything from once or twice during the film, to upto 5-6 times per minute.
These are completely random.
After spending days watching the same 10minutes of Prince of Persia (!!!) I have narrowed it down to being something to do with the SPDIF output, as no matter if I watch it on my monitor or projector, the movie plays fine through my stereo PC speakers, but occurs when playing it through my DTS amp using the SPDIF out.
My set-up is as follows;

MBO: Asus Striker 2 Formula Nvidia nForce 780i chipset, with onboard sound (soundMax driver from ASUS + Nvidia sound drivers)
CPU: Intel E8400 Dual Core
GPU: Nvidia GTX 480 - Hadware Accelerate to run Blu-Ray
Monitor: Samsung RZ3322 3D
Projector: Acer H5360 3D
Amp: DTS / DD (Nakamitchi)

My only thought at the moment are:

- Is there a compatability issue with the SoundMax drivers, as I know that PowerDVD has certain audio compatabilities - but if so, why doe it work with 90% of my movies & through the stereo speakers, without issues?
- Is there an issue between PowerDVD and my GTX 480 GPU, as I have seen another post regarding an issue, whilst I believe that was running the audio through the HDMI output?
- Is there an issue with PowerDVD requiring patching, with regards to encoding on newer blu rays? As ALL other application including games put out to the amp through the SPDIF with no problems, and similarly, so do DVD's and most Blu Rays

I have already tried reducing the SPDIF bit rate down to CD quality (as suggested by ASUS as a first port of call) which has not worked.
I have ruled out the amp as an issue after looking at the DTS website for compatability, as the DTS signal (including DTS HD) seems quite universally compatible.
I have been tempted to buy a seperate PCI-e Sound Card, whilst have concerns that (a) having more audio drivers may cause more issues, (b) this restricts airflow through thhe case, and (c) it probably won't work!

Any help is greatly appreciated, as if I cannot play new movies through my hoime theather system, them my projector is pointless!!!!!



EDIT - DXDIAG attached

Thanks for the tip - works a treat - just a pity that it comes to this at present (having to sit through the trailer type start, unable to pause, etc).

Much appreciated.

Did we find a solution to this - I have just got my 3D Blu Ray working (Cloudy with a chance) after a week of hassle, and the only problem left is the menu bar which will not hide!
It fine usually, but when in full screen locks at the top (title bar) and bottom (menu/control bar).
I'm using an Acer H5360 projetor HDMI-DVI (GTX 480).
I cannot try it on my Samsung monitor as PowerDVD is still unhappy about using 120hz on the monitor (has been an ongoing issue for many people - but I'm not so bothered as I will be using the projector for all movies).
Any help to get rid of the menu bar is extremely appreciated.
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