Cyberlink does have the cleaner tool for up to PD12. See this FAQ: . I believe that it is possible that a cleaner tool for PD18 and others are available if you contact support directly.
I doubt that there is any need to do beyond a normal windows uninstal. If one has created custom assets like titles and particles, etc. then they will be lost if one does the aggressive cleaning that you inquired about earlier prior to installing a newer version of PD: . Those bits and pieces left over from an earlier version of PD wouldn’t be there for use at all to be used in the newer version of PD like maybe smartsound, and NewBlue packs will be gone too.
If you want, the aggressive cleaning works too to remove every little bit of whatever. Each person can have their own preferences based on experiences.
Let us know what support recommends. That would be useful to everyone.