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Custom Menu Question????
Cynthia [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Connecticut USA Joined: Mar 05, 2009 10:28 Messages: 10 Offline
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First - let me say I think this software is great. I'm having a blast with it and it all goes just as I would expect - with the one exception

I cannot seem to remove the words 'My Videos" from any menu page that I create.

What the heck am I missing....??????
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Try a search on menu and you will find lots of help and/or info.

The "My Video" is removed in the Author window NOT in modify as one might expect. Double click in the "My Video" text box in the Author window and delete characters or change as desired.

Cynthia [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Connecticut USA Joined: Mar 05, 2009 10:28 Messages: 10 Offline
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yes -thanks for that

I did figure that part out - but it does not keep the new text when I save it...
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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That is true, but I believe the current mode of operation. If you want your custom menu template to retain your own title you need to modify a little xml file. If it's your custom menu the go to the Custom Menus storage area:
C:\.............\My Documents\CyberLink\Custom Menus\2.5\

Find the appropriate Menu_xxx, look inside the text folder for a file called a_text.xml. Modify. It's good to work on a backup copy when messing with xml files for your safety to not cause further issues.

Again, try a search, lots of help with menus and even videos created to guide you

Cynthia [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Connecticut USA Joined: Mar 05, 2009 10:28 Messages: 10 Offline
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Thanks Jeff

I will give that a shot! (good point about backup)
RobertWA [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Sep 20, 2008 00:18 Messages: 223 Offline
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Cynthia [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Connecticut USA Joined: Mar 05, 2009 10:28 Messages: 10 Offline
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Thanks for the link and your post was excellent and very descriptive

--appreciate it greatly!
Richb33025 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 20, 2008 01:10 Messages: 12 Offline
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First, Robert, thanks for the link to your well-written write-up.

However, I seem to be the only one still having problems. Unlike Cynthia, and unlike a user in a different thread, just reading the write-up didn't help me. Yes, now I understand the difference between the Modify and the Author tabs. But there are other issues.

Before I continue, let me say that I LOVE every other aspect of PowerDirector. What a great program! But their menu creation has to be the most difficult, least user-friendly interface since the days of DOS. I'm pretty good with these things, and I can't figure it out.

Okay, here are my questions...

1) First, do I HAVE to have two separate menu pages -- a Main Page and a Chapter Page (I'm not using Subtitles)? I'd much rather have just one page that says "Play All Chapters," and then lists the chapters individually.

2) I kind of gather the answer to my first question is yes, I DO have to have separate menu pages, a Main and a Chapter. If so, fine. It seems like I have to create each one of them separately. But how do I know which will be attached to which?

3) I input changes in my Main menu page under "Author," and it didn't save them. I read JL's nice reply to Cynthia, but really... am I required to open up Windows Explorer and navigate through the trees to modify an XML file so that PowerDirector will save my menu? I'm not really sure what JL meant by all that (it might be me... Cynthia seemed to understand), but even if I understood it perfectly, why should we have to do that?

All I want is a simple menu, with no buttons, just type. A headline, a Play All and a list of three chapters. It shouldn't be this difficult. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance for your reply. And if the Cyberlink people are reading these forums, please bring the Menu Creation function up to the standards of the rest of the program!
RobertWA [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Sep 20, 2008 00:18 Messages: 223 Offline
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1) First, do I HAVE to have two separate menu pages -- a Main Page and a Chapter Page (I'm not using Subtitles)? I'd much rather have just one page that says "Play All Chapters," and then lists the chapters individually.

As far as I know if you have a menu it must have at least a Main page and a Chapters page.


2) I kind of gather the answer to my first question is yes, I DO have to have separate menu pages, a Main and a Chapter. If so, fine. It seems like I have to create each one of them separately. But how do I know which will be attached to which?

The Main page will always have the Play All option and then the Chapters option. The Chapters page is where you select which chapter to play.


3) I input changes in my Main menu page under "Author," and it didn't save them. I read JL's nice reply to Cynthia, but really... am I required to open up Windows Explorer and navigate through the trees to modify an XML file so that PowerDirector will save my menu? I'm not really sure what JL meant by all that (it might be me... Cynthia seemed to understand), but even if I understood it perfectly, why should we have to do that?

You don’t have to. When you alter your menu details under Author and then Save your project, next time you open it those changes should be there.


All I want is a simple menu, with no buttons, just type. A headline, a Play All and a list of three chapters. It shouldn't be this difficult. Can anyone help?

Cyberlink has assured me on more than one occasion that a menu with clickable text i.e. without thumbnails, is not possible with PD7 (even though one of their supplied templates uses clickable text). There is however a workaround which is not very elegant but it is functional. It will give you a text only menu with up to five buttons (for chapters) per page, with no video or images showing. See the thread at

Hopefully someone out there will have a better solution.

Please note that Power Director does not allow you to select and play a chapter from your chapter menu and then return to that menu. After playing the selected chapter PD will go on and play all subsequent chapters.

Hope that helps

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