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PD 14 and nVidia
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I just discovered something very neat about PD.

I have helped somebody else install PD14 on his computer. It had an older nVidia Quadro card, from older generation. Well, the hardware acceleration page was different looking and the hardware encoding was not working.

But after I have added the three missing .dll CUDA files to th elaptop windows system32 folder, like I have decribed a while back, that laptop got som elevel of CUDA hardware encoding! That means that PowerDirector is still able to make good use of that CUDA encoding technology! That was a very nice surprise, thanks CL!

[Thumb - PD14_Maxwell.PNG]
Maxwell 2 nVidia card
28 Kbytes
962 time(s)
[Thumb - PD14_CUDA.PNG]
Older (Tesla) nVidia card
51 Kbytes
983 time(s)

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at Feb 19. 2016 22:17

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote: I have helped somebody else install PD14 on his computer. It had an older nVidia Quadro card, from Fermi generation. Well, the hardware acceleration page was different looking and the hardware encoding was not working.

If you would, post a pic that hardware encoding is working. What Nivida base driver prior to mod was used, WIN version?

[Post New]
Windows 10, 64 bit, nVidia driver installed is 341.92 - last one that is available for that laptop GPU and Windows 10. Now i noticed that the laptop card is not even from Fermi generation!

However, even if the picture about using CUDA was present, it didn't have HA available for encoding - the encoding settings where just grayed out.
I have added my three dll's extracted from the last nVidia driver that supported the CUDA encoding and...unexpectedly it worked.

[Thumb - HA_1.PNG]
97 Kbytes
908 time(s)
[Thumb - HA_2.png]
19 Kbytes
887 time(s)

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Feb 19. 2016 20:58

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote: Windows 10, 64 bit, nVidia driver installed is 341.92 - last one that is available for that laptop GPU and Windows 10.

However, even if the picture about using CUDA was present, it didn't have HA available for encoding - the encoding settings where just grayed out.
I have added my three dll's extracted from the last nVidia driver that supported the CUDA encoding and...unexpectedly it worked.

If you still have the laptop available, post a pic of HA available for encoding.

[Post New]
Sorry, I was editing, that's my bane, cannot post without editing
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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According to the spec sheet for PD14 hardware acceleration is available with the GeForce 337.88 Driver : . This has not changed from PD13.

Can you help us out here on your friend’s computer. Does PD14 stop working if the particle room is opened with that new driver without those 3 dll files you added. This situation has occurred at least twice with PD previous versions. See this link: .

Let us know if you find this situation also occurs with PD14.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 20. 2016 10:39

[Post New]
With or without those dll's (from driver 337.88 ) the particle fx is working.
When encoding, if the dll's are missing, and I select one of the GPU marked effects, I get some 33% GPU utilization. Of course, the HA for encoding in this case is greyed-out, not available.
When I add those dll's, the GPU utilization jumps back to 98-99%.
Superheated air starts to pour from the laptop's side, while the GPU's 32 shaders unleash their 150 GFLOPS

PS: I'll have the laptop here for today and some part of day tomorrow.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Feb 19. 2016 22:21

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Thank you SoNic67 for checking it out. Glad that PD14 does not crash when opening the particle room with the newer nvidia drivers.
[Post New]
Well, I thought you are worried only about older GPU's, for what's worth the particle room it doesn't crash with my nVidia either, and I really have the latest driver - 361.91.

My original post was to express my surprise (in a good way) that PD still maintained the "hook" in their software for CUDA encoding, allowing the software to perform decently even on older hardware.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 20. 2016 08:17

dgpd2015 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 07, 2014 21:19 Messages: 18 Offline
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Quote: Well, I thought you are worried only about older GPU's, for what's worth the particle room it doesn't crash with my nVidia either, and I really have the latest driver - 361.91.

My original post was to express my surprise (in a good way) that PD still maintained the "hook" in their software for CUDA encoding, allowing the software to perform decently even on older hardware.

I wonder do you have a link dll's download ? does it works for 361.91 and dll's enable hardware encoder ?

[Post New]
That's just for nvidia cards from generations older than Kepler (equal or older of GT 5xx series or Quadro without K or M at beginning of their name). Basically you need to see the second picture that I have posted, the one that says "Enable CUDA".

Adding those files on a newer card will do nothing, PD will use the newer nvenc hardware and show "Enable OpenCL".

I did post them one time here on forum, so I'll do it again. Some people didn't like the ideea of DL my stuff, so I told them also how to extract those files themsefls from nVidia drivers.

BTW, every time you install newer drivers you need to add one of the files back, because it will be deleted by the nVidia installer.
CUDA encoder files
2541 Kbytes
526 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Feb 20. 2016 12:58

[Post New]
I find exactly the same good result with my nvidia 970. No crash.

I have find some Cuba FX in newblue FX, I would like to check if I have good result with my 970 and last drivers. Did you check this Sonic67 ?

dgpd2015 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 07, 2014 21:19 Messages: 18 Offline
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Sonic67, Thanks for link.

However I have GTX 560 Fermi card and place dll's in system32 as you described and it's not working ? did i missed something ?

[Post New]
Hi Sonic

I have Nvidia GTX 980ti (SLI) but I use only one card for Video Editing and Production with PD 14 Ultimate

Since I have YouTube Gaming Channel, I am uploading 2560 x 1440p 60fps videos all the time, for that I have crated custom Mp4 Profile by editing Profile.ini file (since PD does not have option for 2560 x 1440 resolution profile natively)

Two days back I tried to render very long video in 1440p profile with Hardware Endcoding enabled (option was avaible and working fine then) but my system crashed (BSOD) since then there is no option/HA encoding greyed out in 1440p profile (while 4K and 1080p profile does allow HA Encoding), I have already done clean reinstall of PD 14 with latest update 2527 + clean install of Nvidia Drivers 361.91 but no luck frown

Could you please advise what could be wrong with PD 14? (PS: I did try your Cuda files but it didnt work ), I have attached picture of 1440p batch production in progress with CPU only for your reference here...


[Thumb - PD 14 HWA Error.jpg]
PD 14 HWA Error.jpg
242 Kbytes
69 time(s)
PROHDGaming Subcribe @
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Quote: Hi Sonic

I have Nvidia GTX 980ti (SLI) but I use only one card for Video Editing and Production with PD 14 Ultimate

(PS: I did try your Cuda files but it didnt work ), I have attached picture of 1440p batch production in progress with CPU only for your reference here...

Adding those 3 cuda files does nothing on your Maxwell gpu. See this link for a possible workaround: . Another possible answer supplied by a contributor is to edit a registry key but I can't find it now in the forum search.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 23. 2016 12:37

[Post New]
found the link and changed the values, now it is working fine

LINK here PROHDGaming Subcribe @
[Post New]
Quote: found the link and changed the values, now it is working fine

LINK here [url=

What is working ?
Member Joined: Dec 05, 2013 08:22 Messages: 69 Offline
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Hardware video encoding while producing ! but my PC is crashing when use HW encoding, CPU only rendering is fine though PROHDGaming Subcribe @
Member Location: France Joined: Feb 07, 2016 11:27 Messages: 107 Offline
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Thank you for your feedback.

Did you follow these instructions to enable hardware encoding for your nvidia ?

Post from Dafydd B

"HI DocDaddy & other editors,
I have received a reply (from CyberLink) which I will now quote from:
The issue is actually the restriction of the software NVIDIA Control Panel but not PowerDirector issue. We (CyberLink) made a workaround to avoid the restriction but there might be side effect of issues.

It is suggested that you back up the original modules before they are replaced by the provided workaround module.
For Intel/NVIDIA hybrid GPU platforms, there is a mechanism in the NVIDIA Control Panel to manage which third party software is allowed to use dGPU. The mechanism is managed by NVIDIA, not by CyberLink. CyberLink PowerDirector supports NVIDIA GPU, based on NVIDIA's specification, when there is no restriction. There is a workaround solution to let this kind of hybrid platform use the dGPU, but results in side effects for specific platform with specific VGA drivers. The resulting side effect is the preview window becomes a black screen during previewing when hardware decoding is enabled. The issue cannot be resolved from the software side.

To implement the workaround, please follow the steps below:

1. Go to PowerDirector installation folder. Find the 2 files "PDR.exe" and "PDR.exe.manifest" and rename them to
"PDR14.exe" and "PDR14.exe.manifest".
2. Download the file "GpuUtility.dll" and copy the file to the path C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector14\CESdlls\
3. Download the files "GpuUtilityEx_ENABLE_VGA.exe" and "GpuUtilityEx_ENABLE_VGA.exe.manifest" and copy the
files to the path C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector14
4. Reboot your computer.
5. After rebooting, right click on PDR14.exe and choose the option to run the software by NVIDIA GPU.

It is suggested that you back up the original modules before they are replaced by the provided workaround module.
Senior Contributor Joined: Sep 27, 2014 14:14 Messages: 1308 Offline
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Quote: Hi SonicI have Nvidia GTX 980ti (SLI)...

(PS: I did try your Cuda files but it didnt work )...ThanksPrash

Of course they won't work, did you read my previous post?

Quote: That's just for nvidia cards from generations older than Kepler (equal or older of GT 5xx series or Quadro without K or M at beginning of their name). Basically you need to see the second picture that I have posted, the one that says "Enable CUDA".
Adding those files on a newer card will do nothing, PD will use the newer nvenc hardware and show "Enable OpenCL".
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