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Power director 6 burning error A0000005 [SORTED]
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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I have found that the a0000005 error is caused by the Chapters. You must have Chapter 1 which you can rename, I use Play All, at 00:00:00 on the timeline. Although, I still can not burn a DVD-R, I have stopped getting the a0000005 error. I also put all my chapters at the start point of the clips.

What I have found to be the best thing to do is Produce each chapter which consists clips, transitions, titling, etc., as an MPEG file. When I have each one produced, I start a new workplace and drag and drop each of the mpegs into the timeline. I then add my opening clip and any ending clips (Titles, credits, etc). I added chapters at the beginning of each (mpeg) clip, and Create Disc. It works pretty nicely.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas. Tomorrow I will worry about my burning to -R DVD's but today is Christmas with family and friends.

JMSetzler [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Hickory, North Carolina, USA Joined: Dec 25, 2007 00:20 Messages: 3 Offline
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Carl, thanks for the post. I did not manually add any chapters to my compilation, but the system had a couple default chapters, so I just tweaked them a little and tried again, and it worked.

Thanks and Merry Christmas

John Setzler
Hickory, NC
Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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Well, it certainly appears that the issue is chapter-related.

Dafydd sent me an updated *.dll to try and resolve the problem, and sure enough, it worked!

When I loaded the "corrupt" project in PD6, the chapters which were previously messed-up (IE - displaying start times of "282343:52:24:-11"??) did not load. More importantly, the project was now able to successfully burn.

I'm not sure when this patch will be available to the masses, but I just wanted to post an update in this forum.

I still haven't confirmed about the renaming of chapters since installing the new DLL. If you rename the thumbnail on the Menu, it renames the Chapter if you go back to view the Chapter list. This allows you to enter a name longer than what could be entered on the chapter list. This behaviour is described in more detail earlier in this thread.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi everyone,

The task of localising the A0000005 problem has been long and arduous culminating in a major contribution by Shaan. He checked and rechecked his tests, provided sample files and localised the error. When I asked him to check a dll out I had confidence in his ability to logically look and thoroughly report back to me.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Shaan for helping to make the A0000005 problem a "yesterday" issue. Shaan it was great corresponding with you to try and find where and what the causes were - a real pro at the task, thanks.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 12. 2008 07:01

[Post New]
I have same problem......

Pd 6 ...Win 7 ....Compaq Presario cq 61 ... Intel core 2 Duo CPU T6500 2.10 GHZ 3 G Ram.

I have already tried to re-install 3 times the PD6 but stil same msg burning error a0000005.

Can someone help

Tks in advance
Jorge in Portugal

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