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Power director 6 burning error A0000005 [SORTED]
Peter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 04, 2007 02:44 Messages: 4 Offline
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I tried the test and everything worked.

I did not know what a 'Magic Music' file was, though, so I imported an dragged-in the Party.mp3, instead.

I thought the 'Pack project materials' option would pack the project materials, but it just seems to copy the source files to a directory. I created a zip download and uploaded it and the individual parts.

Please let me know if you need anything else. I might also be able to provide remote access to my PC if it can help get this resolved quicker.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Peter,

The zip file is hosted with a very slow connection speed 3k and will take an hour to come in - I will forgo the pleasure of that at the moment. thank you for making the zip file available. Please confirm what's in the zip - is it your project which threw up the A0000005 message?

I confused the instructions writing "test" in both cases - sorry.

Okay you've got a good and perhaps bad result. Bad for you, good for me!

Good = you can write a disc
Bad = it's likely to be something in your project (a file etc) that's causing the problem.

re-start you project and test burn it... see what's causing the project to throw up the error A0000005.

Peter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 04, 2007 02:44 Messages: 4 Offline
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Quote: The zip file is hosted with a very slow connection speed 3k and will take an hour to come in - I will forgo the pleasure of that at the moment. thank you for making the zip file available.

that's weird. it must be an internet transmission thing - i just downloaded it again at about 120kb or so - my mini/working project (13 MB), that is. so that only took 2 min or so.

Quote: Please confirm what's in the zip - is it your project which threw up the A0000005 message?


So, i think i understand now - you wanted the broken project, right? I'll export that and then private message (PM) my contact info to you shortly.

My working project (the test I did) had these contents:

[VID] Aquarium.mpg 04-Dec-2007 11:59 3.3M
[IMG] Cherry.jpg 04-Dec-2007 11:59 2.8M
[ ] PackedProject.pds 04-Dec-2007 11:59 92k
[SND] Party.mp3 04-Dec-2007 12:00 1.8M
[IMG] Tulip.jpg 04-Dec-2007 12:01 2.9M
[IMG] Windmill.jpg 04-Dec-2007 12:02 2.6M

Quote: I confused the instructions writing "test" in both cases - sorry.

Okay you've got a good and perhaps bad result. Bad for you, good for me!

Good = you can write a disc
Bad = it's likely to be something in your project (a file etc) that's causing the problem.

re-start you project and test burn it... see what's causing the project to throw up the error A0000005.


now that i do not understand. just try to re-burn a project that i know is broken?

my real project is test burning again - or just creating the DVD folder for now. it's at 41%. as soon as that works or fails, i'll export the contents.

'Support' told me I may just have a bad drive or bad media or mismatched media or old drivers, etc.

Peter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 04, 2007 02:44 Messages: 4 Offline
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Menu tab > untick Enable video thumbnail > OK

this may have fixed it. i just did a successful burn. i won't know again until i get home to try to burn another DVD.

um, i don't actually know what that option does - what does it do?

also, what does the 'Create a DVD' folder option do besides fill up my hard drive? i'm serious - what is the purpose of that option? can i re-use that data somehow?

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Thank you for giving a lot of info back - it helps a great deal.

1. Download connection - bottleneck time somewhere. As it was the test I suggested... I didn't need to see the data.

2. Answer to my "re-start" - I was suggesting you start your project again... and try to locate the file that causes the problem. I realise that's a lot to expect - it would involve you doing a "test-burn" on your project at set intervals to locate the problem file.

3. Thumbnail untick. Basically the default setting in PowerDirector Create Disc is set to have video buttons displaying in the menu. I got you to untick/stop that capability. I've found in the past the video buttons can cause hassle in the write to disc process.

4. Create to DVD folder. This is actually the way I create a disc. A bit of "old school" method when CPU's weren't as good as they are today. I then use Power2Go 6 (or your preferred disc writing software) to transfer the two folders AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS to the DVD. Why? is the next question. I'm splitting the render/create a file process and the write to disc process. I'm putting less strain on the CPU and making each stage operate to the optmium of the PC (taking into account the internal transfer of data between disc drive and hard drive as well) ... so to speak. Afterwards the Create to disc folder can be deleted as you have transferred all the data to a DVD and can play it.

I hope that isn't too long an explanation...

5. Is your project now working/writing a DVD, after you've removed the video thumbnail option?

Let me know how you get on.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Dec 05. 2007 03:15

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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You mentioned not knowing about Magic Music - where, what it was.

Please find attached an image to guide you.

Magic Motion - where
44 Kbytes
28 time(s)
Leanne [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 02, 2007 21:08 Messages: 2 Offline
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Here is where I was going wrong: I've been doing this step-wise: edit, produce, burn. When you produce, the produced file IS PLACED IN YOUR MEDIA GROUP. It becomes part of your file and screws up the burn, especially if the produce file is 193MB like mine was! (DUH)
It wasn't clear to me that I didn't need to produce the video in order to burn the DVD. You can go straight to "Create Disc" from the editing platform.

So, I eliminated any produced video from my media group, and voila! my burn completed quickly without a hitch. No patches or updates required.

Quote: I am having this problem as well, and it is strangely reminiscent of the problem I had with my original PowerDirector (v.4, I think). I get to 43% and get the a0000005 error code "burning failed." I can produce the video, but it will not burn. My file is all jpeg images in a 5-minute slideshow, not very big (the Produce file is 193MB) and my computer was custom-built to do exactly this kind of project (mega RAM, mega speed, fab video card) so it isn't a capacity issue.
Cyberlink needs to figure this out and fix it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 07. 2007 06:41

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I would like to know if anyone has tried the following method to resolve their A0000005 error message by:

Removing all chapters in a project and set chapters again.

If that works, please post it here.



Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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Hi Dafydd.

Yes, I've tried your suggestion, unfortunately it didn't work...

I've been receiving this error code as well, either when attempting to burn to DVD or write to a file. At first I thought it was because the *.psd file was originally created in PD5, and I then upgraded to PD6.

When I looked at the chapter list in PD6, they were all out of whack (ie - the times were "-54:22:33:19", etc. They also all had the same thumbnail on them (slide 1). The only reason I noticed the chapters where buggy was when I went to create a custom menu (same thumbnail). I concluded that this error was therefor caused by these corrupt chapters, so I removed them all.

I then added all new chapters (16 of them), and they looked fine. I still receive this error (39% when burning to DVD - with menu, 45% when burning to a DVD with NO menu and 78% when writing to a file with menu, 90% when writing to a file with no menu). The error always comes up after "Producing Titles..." and then "Complete" is displayed.

Support via email has been very unhelpful. I've found out more by reading this forum than they've ever helped. You would think that they could perhaps read this forum! I wonder if voice support would be any better, I'm happy to pay for it?

I'm now going to remove ALL chapters, and try a burn to file. I'll run it overnight and see if it works.

Thanks, and please let me know if you require any more information.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 10. 2007 23:43

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About a year ago Dafydd gave me some really good advice that has solved my burning issues. That was to do large projects in smaller sections. I produce (not burn) each smaller section to an MPEG2 then put the MPEG's together in a new timeline, then burn.

I have found the larger the file, the more likely you are to have an issue. I am doing a 3 hour movie for my daughers swim team. Iam doing it in 10-15min sections
No more lock up when burning for me.

Thanks Dafydd .

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Dec 11. 2007 01:20

Land of fieros, North Dakota USA
Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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I went to one of my projects which was returning this error, and removed ALL Chapters (all that was remaining was chapter 1 which can't be deleted). I then ran a burn, and it worked!

As such, I'm thinking that the error is an issue with the chapters. This of course is just a theory. Having a DVD without any chapters isn't the most usefull.

Now I'll try with, say, 2 chapters and see if it will burn...
Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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2 chapters worked fine just now!? I previously had 16, and I would receive the error.

Could it have anything to do with inserting chapters in the middle of a long AVI file? Some of the video captured comprises a 20 minute AVI file of a concert. I inserted chapters throughout, at the beginning of each song. I then renamed the chapters, so the menu could be created quicker (no renaming on the menu). The entire movie is only about an hour long, so nothing too huge.

No chapters worked. 2 chapters (chapter 2 inserted near the end of the movie, NOT in the middle of an AVI clip) worked. Neither of these 2 chapters were renamed.

Will keep testing, this is getting tiresome. One would think that CyberLink would have a fix by now, as customers have been getting this error for many months now.

I don't recall ever seeing this with PD5. Only since my upgrade.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I'm reading your postings - they are not being ignored. I have direct communications with the heads of departments at CyberLink and every scrap of new info you give is important and i refer it. I've sent you a PM.

I just keen for you to post the results.

The "chapters" info was suggested as a possible cause. Please explain the length of title you're giving in the chapters, how many characters you are using - I don't know how important that would be....

Please remove ALL chapters and Produce the video file as an Mpeg.
Bring the mpeg back into PD as a new project and add the chapters.

You'll be splitting the process of mpeg rendering and chapter/DVD writing.
IF you get to this stage and the A0000005 message appears again then please Export the data and make it available to CyberLink (ftp link from me) for them to check.

Another solution to try is. Delete all the data from the Media Library and then burn a DVD.

Please post the results.

Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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I'll try your suggestions tonight and get back to you.

Some of the chapter lengths were long (ie 25 characters). The software wouldn't allow me to use any more. I can't recall what the maximum is. The project has 16 chapters.

When the burn was successfull with only 2 chapters, the chapter names were simply "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2".

One other suggestion I'll try - rename ALL 16 Chapters back to "Chapter 1" to "Chapter 16", will that burn?

Will post the results later tonight...

Shaan [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Toronto/Canada Joined: Dec 10, 2007 23:17 Messages: 10 Offline
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Dafydd, I've done a few tests this evening, and here are my findings...

The first time I created the project (captured video in Mpeg format, some background music, Titles, stills, transitions and 15 chapters ), the burn failed (either to Disc or to the hard drive). I then continued testing, always writing to the hard drive.

I then REMOVED all the chapters, and it worked. Nothing else changed in the project. I then added ONE chapter for a total of 2, and it worked.

The original chapter names all varied in length. It's interesting to note that there is no character maximum when renaming a chapter - its based on the width of the name. For example, I could only enter a maximum of 15 "w" as a chapter name, 20 "o" or 60 "i". Because of the different widths of these characters, there's no actual maximum. The way around this (and likely a bug in the software), is to rename the Title corresponding to the chapter on the DVD Menu screen. When I change the title name to "This is a test of a long name", and then go back to the Chapter list, this full name appears. However, if you try and rename it, you can only enter "This is a test of a long na". Some very odd behaviour indeed.

It's odd that renaming the thumbnail title on the Menu actually renames the Chapter itself. The other odd item I noticed on the original project (the one which kept returning the error), was that Chapter 1 started at 00:00:00:26? This is very odd, as Chapter 1 should ALWAYS start at 00:00:00:00. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour with a new file.

Anyway, I then removed ALL chapters and produced it as an Mpeg (Mpeg2, DVD HQ). I created a NEW project and brought the Mpeg back in, added chapters and the burn worked! I then renamed the chapters (in the chapter room, NOT on the menu), added a background image to the menu and the burn worked!

I then went back to the ORIGINAL project, removed ALL chapters and re-added them back again. Chapter 1 started at 00:00:00:00, as it should. I then renamed the chapters (again, in the chapter room), added a background image to the menu and the burn worked. All the media was still in the libray, I never removed it.

I'm almost convinced that the error has to do with the chapters. When I took a look at on of the projects which was failing, chapter 1 had a start time of "282343:52:24:-11" ? I've found that you can bugger up the chapter list by REMOVING chapter 1. If you right-click the chapter, the option to remove is greyed-out, however, the "Delete Chapter Position" button will actually remove it, and all the chapters slide up. The chapter names then become messed up when you leave the Chapter room and go back to it - in my case, the Title of Chapter one became "Chapter 15"? Again, some very odd behaviour.

So in my particular case, the issue was resolved by removing all Chapters and re-creating. I then renamed them in the Chapter room and NOT on the menu. I haven't been able to reproduce this by creating a new, short movie using the Aquarium.mpg and renaming items on the DVD menu. It always burns successfully.

I hope this information helps, sorry about the length, I was trying to be as descriptive as possible.


Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Shaan,

Thank you for all the information here... brilliant.

I'm going to re-read it all and refer it. The observations you've made help a great deal.

Thank you once again.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi everyone,

Follow up suggestion to try:
For those who have had successful results by removing chapters, please re-set/re-do the chapters again without reloading the project.

Please post your results here.

Thank you.

Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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I was finally able to burn my DVD successfully. I did not remove my Chapters but rather put Chapter 1 at the the very beginning of the project and left the others where they were. My project is 2h:08m long so it took a long time to encode but when it did, it burned successfully.

I was only able to do this after reading this forum. Thank you to all of you that posted suggestions. I now have to make 27 copies of this project so I will be burning for a while.

I have to make one of the copies in PAL format. What I plan to do is produce it in DVD PAL format and place that file on the time line, add the chapters, then encode and burn. Would that be the proper procedure?

Thank you,

Happy Holidays,

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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JMSetzler [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Hickory, North Carolina, USA Joined: Dec 25, 2007 00:20 Messages: 3 Offline
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I have the a0000005 error when trying to burn a DVD also. After reading this forum, I downloaded and installed the version 6 patch, but it did not resolve my problem. I can't find anything about a replacement PDR.EXE file, so I am sorta stuck with this problem.

What should I do next?
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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I have found that the a0000005 error is caused by the Chapters. You must have Chapter 1 which you can rename, I use Play All, at 00:00:00 on the timeline. Although, I still can not burn a DVD-R, I have stopped getting the a0000005 error. I also put all my chapters at the start point of the clips.

What I have found to be the best thing to do is Produce each chapter which consists clips, transitions, titling, etc., as an MPEG file. When I have each one produced, I start a new workplace and drag and drop each of the mpegs into the timeline. I then add my opening clip and any ending clips (Titles, credits, etc). I added chapters at the beginning of each (mpeg) clip, and Create Disc. It works pretty nicely.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas. Tomorrow I will worry about my burning to -R DVD's but today is Christmas with family and friends.

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