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Power Director 10, Just another let down video editing program.
jasm [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Niagara Falls, Canada Joined: Oct 12, 2011 16:57 Messages: 40 Offline
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Well as a video editing enthusiast I have come to the conclusion Power Director is just another in the long list of wanna be video editing programs. I have only 4 days left of my trial copy and still have had no success in creating what is advertised, to create a 3d-bd disk. I have asked for help in this forum as well as Cyberlink support and I still cant create even a small video.
Normally I wouldn't even respond to trying out another failing program, but I really enjoyed using this program up to the point of actually creating a video, pity.
If I cant create what I need with a trial copy, and check out the quality, then I'm certainly not going to endorse or buy the program. If the program worked, even if it had only a 30 second time limit or a Cyberlink stamp on the finished product, I would be happy with that.

I will check back again from time to time and see if there is a new trial release that works, unless someone comes out with something better, sooner.

I'm not sure what will happen when my trial period runs out so this may be 'adios'
Tomas G77
Member Location: Ayrshire Joined: Jun 13, 2008 08:54 Messages: 100 Offline
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 09. 2011 05:12

Thomas G
I'm a 33yr old trapped in a 69yr old body
Newbie Location: Central Texas Joined: Mar 08, 2011 13:05 Messages: 15 Offline
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I am sorry but I can not agree with the posted reply, aka, suggesting another program to use in a forum that is created to help and support Cyberlink software.

It's not that Power Director has no room for improvement, but on the other hand suggesting that all it wants is to make money makes absolutely no sense at all. For one, that is what the trial version is for. If you don't like, don't use it, no money lost and be done with it; otherwise uninstall and use another software of your choice.

I have tried many different video-editing programs and none is perfect. Some are easier for some users than others, offer different editing options and so on. At times, by my experience, it seems necessary to use a couple of different programs in order to achieve a certain editing goal. Well, so be it.

Also, to Tomthumb777 - I suggest to use a spell-checker so one can understand a bit better what it is you are trying to say. And, if you are saying you don't like PD9, then why bother using PD10? Again, if you don't like it, or maybe have not able to make it work 'right' for you - then just don't. I don't believe it has been 'out' long enough and given Cyberlink enough feed-back for the company to be able to create updates and fixes. This is normal for every new piece of software - from normal programs all the way to operating systems.

Just my humble opinion.
jasm [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Niagara Falls, Canada Joined: Oct 12, 2011 16:57 Messages: 40 Offline
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Quote: Hi Jasm

best thin u can do is move to Vegas movie maker platinum has some problems YES but it works and you CAN edit video. Aa far as PD10 goes it is ONLY PD9 with more bugs and 3d,
which a lot of people dont't even use.
PD9 now called PD10 with more bugs than usual.

Hi Tomthumb
yea Vegas cant do it either. PD10 is the closest thing out there so far for 3d-bd. I beleive it could, and does work, but I'm just not paying out for more software till I check it out myself.
Been stung too many times.
Kilmarnock huh! I lived there many moons ago...
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My two cents:

jasm - make sure to uninstall your TRIAL before it expires. Some programs (no sure if PD10 is one) have trouble once the trial expires on a machine.

Tomthumb777 - From your post:
Quote: ...I must say I'am very pleased with PD9 NOW THAT IT IS 64BIT,
what a difference it makes I think it is the best mid range editing application out there, even beats premiere pro elements which I have

DanielaJane - There are certainly many opinions about PD9 and PD10. SOMETIMES they have merit, and sometimes they are the personal "windmills" (Don Quixote reference) of long-time users. MANY (I might almost say MOST) of the time the issues are due to improper use of the program, lack of knowledge of HOW to use the program, lack of adequate machine environment and resources, a FAILED or corrupt installation or unrealistic expectations.

Granted, there are PLENTY of bugs in PD10. Often things that should have been fixed in older versions were NOT, sometimes issues that WERE fixed get "unfixed" by a new release.

Let me add that some issues that were attributed to bad CL programming have turned out to be DIRECTLY related to Nvidia drivers (not to pick on them..just what I use most often), like the problems for users of OPTIMUS (dual video card utility) on laptops. Not to mention Intel's Sandy-bridge and Quick-sync ongoing troubles/expectations. The volume of this type of issue (hardware and non-PD software) makes it appear that PD is "broken" or "not ready for prime-time".

The reason we ask for DXDIAG files and Version/Build information all the time is that we see MANY TIMES (when we can convince the person complaining to actually SEND IT..MAN is THAT conversation getting old) that the user's machine or PD patch version is the source of the problem. Let me state for the record that old video drivers, SSD drives, lack of internal HardDrive space, and limited memory or a slower CPU, WILL IMPACT YOUR ABILITY TO SUCCEED with this program.

I could care LESS about 3D (makes my head hurt), but I have played with it a bit, and I expect as 3D becomes better, so will PD use/implementation get better. Plenty of time to ignore it for now beyond experimentation.

While I agree that there are some (OK, for heavy editors MORE than some) legitimate issues with the program I can state the following from experience. With the notable exceptions of SOME types of video files, if you are running a Windows 7 on a STRONG 64BIT, Intel (like i7) machine, with 6GB or more memory, and a high-to-mid-range video card, and a large INTERNAL harddrive (OS drive and another to store large files), you PROBABLY are not having trouble.

Now, if that seems too confining a statement, please understand that I have not had a chance to experience things like ATI cards and Windows Vista (I moved during PD8 ) so I won't comment further than what I currently use.

Based upon the predilection of some here to FLAME you for opinions...I err on the side of constraint...even if it is just my "opinion". I like the program and it get's better all the time, just not as quickly as we hope.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Nov 06. 2011 12:49

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Quote: Hi Jasm

best thin u can do is move to Vegas movie maker platinum has some problems YES but it works and you CAN edit video. Aa far as PD10 goes it is ONLY PD9 with more bugs and 3d,
which a lot of people dont't even use.
PD9 now called PD10 with more bugs than usual.
I do relise that the beta tester whom tested this program can only report the bugs they find and it is not their fault
that PD10 was released with all the bugs.
That is down to Cyberlink GREEDY managers whom put the programmers under pressure to get programs relesed before they are ready, as I have said before on this form we the customers are the beta testers.
Cyberlink want you'r monies they will go pn for a while yet ignoring the bugs then bring out a patch,
with more bugs, and then PD11 and it starts all over again a never ending circle

Tom in Kilmarnock,
I have read your posts on the PD9 and now here again on the PD10 forum belittling CyberLink at nearly every opportunity. I see now you're promoting other company's software. I have the full information on what was and wasn't observed during PD9 beta testing and by whom! You were not part of any beta testing or reporting structure for PD9. Members from this forum were not part of beta testing for PD10
1. What exactly is your PD9 issue, you appear not to have provided a structured report that members can replicate your issue (confirm it themselves) and assist you? POST ON THE PD9 FORUM!
2. Read the following:
3. To contact CyberLink with your PD9 comments go to: Customer Support:
Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Well I have PD 9 and PD10 on my machine and just completed a Wedding DVD with a variety of content, A Wedding ceremony shot on Canon hfr100, a video shot on a JVC standard def camcorder, Photo supplied by various contributors. I designed my own menu background and utilized it. Created my own slide show at 4X3 aspect then imported into create disk module and burmed project to a hi quality DVD folder and used Nero to burn the DVD and all came out excellent.
I have even created a Blu Ray disk usilizing some of my own 3D-like movie using the same footage and burning to BD-re disk and it also works.
JIm Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
Newbie Location: Central Texas Joined: Mar 08, 2011 13:05 Messages: 15 Offline
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To the senior-contributors: I agree with your sentiments. Re: Tomthumbs comments...I don't mind constructive criticism of anything or anyone, but just blatantly put down a product, in this case PowerDirector in a forum that is set up to help with and offer support for using said program, simply makes no sense to me.
This is not a neutral forum offering information on various video editor software and comparing one to another, but rather to work with Cyberlink software only. Anyone interested in other products should, in my opinion, join those respective forums.

Personally, I can care-less about 3D - no matter if self-produced or a purchased movie, as I don't enjoy the sensation at all. Ergo, I won't try to 'make' a 3D video and therefore don't have any experience with this procedure - no matter if with PowerDirector or any other software.

From my experience with 2D creations I can only say that as of right now I prefer PowerDirector over similar programs because I am generally able to produce the video I have envisioned without too many problems. I am certainly still in the process of discovering many of it's options, while also realizing some of it's short-comings...some of them I understand, some of them do puzzle me a bit, I must admit. LOL.

And, certainly, as to how the over-all success of anything created and produced with any program will depend quite a bit on the computer specs; it goes without saying, the higher those are the better the chance of ending up with a good project.

So, I personally, do thank the Cyberlink Team along with the Community Forum's moderators and contributors; without the latter it would be nearly impossible to find many solutions to momentary problems.
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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If you take the time to do some research (it will take some time) you'll find that all the video editor S/W out there including the more expensive ones have difficulties with HD at one time or anther. The reason is simple : the HD video standards are poor at best. Manufacturers are allowed to modify critical aspects within the standards to suite their needs. Therefore, the standard becomes a guideline instead. I recently attempted to use a brand new model Panasonic HD TV (these are the guys that in part invented AVCHD) and guess what ? Their manual states in plain english that certain types of AVCHD files may not be compatible to the media player built into the set ! And to make things interesting camcorder and camera makers fudge the "standards" as well. Take the time to read the various forums (other than this one) dedicated to this topic and you'll be unpleasantly surprised. Win 10, i7
[Post New]

Quote: .Do you ever read about the problems on the forum
or do you just like bumping ur gums,
are you blind to users problems so don't talk c--p about blatantly pulling a program down read the forum u $£%%% silly person

You didn't read page/leaf #2 of my "constraint" says don't attack people who make a negative statements about what you need to attack people by requoting and paraphrasing their responses to make derogatory comments. I understood that you were using "web-slang" to emphasize your statements....but in your single most recent response you went after EVERYONE who took the time to respond to you.

We support this community because we like the product and want to maximize the user experience with the product. No sense saying CYBERLINKS s**ks, PD(version x) s**ks, PD is Beta, Programmers are lousy, etc. We have heard it all and probably have some level of agreement. Stay focused on "crushing" the issues with using the program ...and all will turn out better for it.

Quote: With the notable exceptions of SOME types of video files, if you are running a Windows 7 on a STRONG 64BIT, Intel (like i7) machine, with 6GB or more memory, and a high-to-mid-range video card, and a large INTERNAL harddrive (OS drive and another to store large files), you PROBABLY are not having trouble.

Send me your 38 clients... I will help you figure out what the issues are for them.

Quote: My issue is with PD9 AND PD10 which have been reported to Cyberlink Support, is I have used Cyberlink since version 2, up until version 8 /9 things were getting a little better

Not sure that describes the issue, or were you just telling us to butt-out as you are already reporting to Cyberlink? I guess I too do not understand your specific issue.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Nov 07. 2011 22:25

Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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A word of encouragement, sort of...
PD9 was a DAWG when it arrived, few people here were as crabbily vocal as me! Yet now, I use it with delight, just love 9, and I suspect, hopefully, 1 or 2 patches will make things right for 10, but for now, I'm back to 9. HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
[Post New]
Quote: I have only 4 days left of my trial copy and still have had no success in creating what is advertised, to create a 3d-bd disk. I have asked for help in this forum as well as Cyberlink support and I still cant create even a small video.

Sorry I forgot..YOU actually opened this thread. The issue with 3D is one we are all fighting through. It is reported to Cyberlink as a bug (Dafydd posted a ebug number on it somewhere amongst all the threads) and MAN-O-Man do I hope a patch comes out soon. Until then, I am just using my projects as learning events, preparing for it to come out fixed.

I think it is SOO COOL that 2D can be rendered as 3D..I have done a couple small videos and the effects are not bad! Once it is fixed and can burn, I will make a couple for the family.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Nov 07. 2011 22:32

jasm [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Niagara Falls, Canada Joined: Oct 12, 2011 16:57 Messages: 40 Offline
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Quote: Jasm,

If you take the time to do some research (it will take some time) you'll find that all the video editor S/W out there including the more expensive ones have difficulties with HD at one time or anther. The reason is simple : the HD video standards are poor at best. Manufacturers are allowed to modify critical aspects within the standards to suite their needs. Therefore, the standard becomes a guideline instead. I recently attempted to use a brand new model Panasonic HD TV (these are the guys that in part invented AVCHD) and guess what ? Their manual states in plain english that certain types of AVCHD files may not be compatible to the media player built into the set ! And to make things interesting camcorder and camera makers fudge the "standards" as well. Take the time to read the various forums (other than this one) dedicated to this topic and you'll be unpleasantly surprised.

Lol, your kiddin arn't ya? Take the time... I think I've been to every forum on the net. Tried out every peice of software that has come along. I have no problem with HD. I Have one of Panasonic's top of the line 3d tv's and Sony 3d video camera I have pinnacle studio and Vegas pro which serve my nicely. My only beef is I'm still waiting on the Ideal 3d editing program to come along and Power Director is soooo close to being it.
I have a lot of wonderful 3d video just waiting to be edited. I can view it through my camera and anyone who see's it on my 3d tv are amazed. I can make side by side and put it on a 25gb blu-ray and it's okay, but I want the full 1080p.
jasm [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Niagara Falls, Canada Joined: Oct 12, 2011 16:57 Messages: 40 Offline
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Quote: jasm;
Quote: I have only 4 days left of my trial copy and still have had no success in creating what is advertised, to create a 3d-bd disk. I have asked for help in this forum as well as Cyberlink support and I still cant create even a small video.

Sorry I forgot..YOU actually opened this thread. The issue with 3D is one we are all fighting through. It is reported to Cyberlink as a bug (Dafydd posted a ebug number on it somewhere amongst all the threads) and MAN-O-Man do I hope a patch comes out soon. Until then, I am just using my projects as learning events, preparing for it to come out fixed.

I think it is SOO COOL that 2D can be rendered as 3D..I have done a couple small videos and the effects are not bad! Once it is fixed and can burn, I will make a couple for the family.

yea thanks FredB. I've got my fingers crossed Cyberlink are working on it. I just hope I can install another trial when this one runs out in 2 days. I really think it's a great program. Most program new versions, have a few teething problems when they first come out. Anyone who has ever used Pinnacle Studio over the years will know what I mean.
[Post New]
Yes I had Pinnacle a time or two. I know what you mean.

I think PD10 is going to get all of this worked out real soon.

To add to HDedit's comment, I think the point is that HD took a while to standardize..Now I think 3D is still being hammered out, too. Even the Video Card manufacturers are struggling to keep up with working drivers.

From what I have seen, PD10 is the right product. However, once the TRIAL expires, you will NOT be able to install another TRIAL.

If you buy the PD10 product and apply the first patch, it is already more stable than the released TRIAL version, and adds some features and file support not IN the TRIAL. From the schedule of the past products, another patch is due out, soon, that will fix even MORE.

Just my humble opinion (I have lots of those!!).

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Nov 07. 2011 23:57

Newbie Location: Southeast TX Joined: Aug 08, 2011 22:58 Messages: 35 Offline
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Quote: Hi,
Well I have PD 9 and PD10 on my machine and just completed a Wedding DVD with a variety of content, A Wedding ceremony shot on Canon hfr100, a video shot on a JVC standard def camcorder, Photo supplied by various contributors. I designed my own menu background and utilized it. Created my own slide show at 4X3 aspect then imported into create disk module and burmed project to a hi quality DVD folder and used Nero to burn the DVD and all came out excellent.
I have even created a Blu Ray disk usilizing some of my own 3D-like movie using the same footage and burning to BD-re disk and it also works.

Tell me Jim, just what are you doing wrong to make everything work right?

Kudos to you. WINDOWS 7 PRO 64 BIT [SP1]
Intel Ci7 2600K 3.40 Ghz
2X 8GB 1600Mhz Dual BL
120GB Corsair Force 3 SSD
2X 1TB WD10000 SRTL Caviar Black
PD 9 Ultra 64
LG-12X Blu-Ray
Cameras: Canon 7D, Canon HF S21
Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Well I start by going to the washroom before I start the project, then while working on the project I have my tongue between my lips on the right side of my lips...LOL
I don't know I have a Asus motherboard with i7 2600 3.4GH processor, 12GB memory, Geforce 560t 1 MB graphic accelerator and a 1.5 Terabyte hard drive. with the latest drivers on windows 7 64Bit. The latest build of PD10.
I also create all my own graphics (backgrounds, PiP objects, Navigation buttons) I just utilize the 'Content' stuff to see what I can create myself with similar results.
I don't have any background process' except antivirus spam software running and windows process' that are required.
P.s. I noticed in your sig that you have and SSD drive...I would guess that that is your problem....I read a few posts on the forum with members who have SSD drives as main drive having problems...I don't have SSD drive it is the slowest object on Windows 7 benchcheck

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 08. 2011 16:03

Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Ok here is what I do. I created a separate project for each source I.e. a project for my Hi-def videos with title screen. then started new project for the Standard definition video, a separate project for each person that submitted photo's and depending on the quality of photos (some were garbage (but I threw them in any)), produced them using MP4 format Hi quality.
Then when I had all those completed started a new project and went straight to 'Create Disk' and used 'content' to add the files created allowing me to put my own name to the 'Chapter'. Created my own Menu using my own buttons backgrounds etc. Previewed before committing to a folder correcting any goofs I made.
Basically that is it. I had shadow files and cudu turned of.
When I first upgraded to PD10 I had trouble with 'Aspect Ratio' but after the patch 1012(?) and a cold reboot after instaling it everything seems to work.
P.s. I bought the upgrade from PD9 Ultra and kept PD9 Ultra on my system, and PD10 picks up all my PD9 content even my custom stuff.
Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
Newbie Location: Southeast TX Joined: Aug 08, 2011 22:58 Messages: 35 Offline
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Thanks Jiim. Actually I use one of my TB's for running PD now. I use the SSD for playing back some finished work.

I have had minimal glitches with PD and really like it overall. I haven't upgraded to PD 10 cuz I still have so much to learn with 9.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread. Thanks. WINDOWS 7 PRO 64 BIT [SP1]
Intel Ci7 2600K 3.40 Ghz
2X 8GB 1600Mhz Dual BL
120GB Corsair Force 3 SSD
2X 1TB WD10000 SRTL Caviar Black
PD 9 Ultra 64
LG-12X Blu-Ray
Cameras: Canon 7D, Canon HF S21
andrew3202 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: indiana Joined: Sep 29, 2011 22:10 Messages: 24 Offline
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I will say, the contributors on the forum, and the support when properly followed has been very good. I had an issue, and despite being a well experienced Windows user, I had overlooked a later video driver than I had installed. Providing the diag files pointed me in the right direction. I do think my upgrade from V9PD to V10, (both 64bit), was more of a bug fix than feature upgrade. PD9 would appear to lock and freeze when moving around in the video... PD10 is not behaving in the same way as PD9, I wish I had waited 30 days, and it would have saved me $50.00

My System is an Intel WX58P Workstation Board, I7 960 Core Processor, 8GB ECC ram, A raid 1 Boot 500GB boot disk, and three independent 1TB disks. (WRITE CACHE ENABLED

Many W7 speeds tips are applied, many default services are disabled, all in an attempt to make this thing be a better than average NLE box. Move Swap files, disable search, no networking services, FSUTIL options, Diskperf N, disable...

My next edition will be a Iomega external NAS and plan to use ISCSI and Jumbo Frames and a Dual NIC add-in card for SPEED..

I do not run any Anti-Virus Software at all... All Web Surfing for fun is done in a Virtual Machine using Virtual Box..

I've recently done a few Soccer Club video, and intemixing music, videos, and slide shows, and the results are they want me to do it all again. opps.... Volunteer work..

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