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Power Director 365 random crashes
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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I just noticed this today but Power Director 365 is crashing often even with no files imported

just going thru the effects, video intros, etc, It will crash shortly after

have others seen this ?
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Quote I just noticed this today but Power Director 365 is crashing often even with no files imported

just going thru the effects, video intros, etc, It will crash shortly after

have others seen this ?

are others noticing that power director 365 is crashing a lot just from clicking effects and the other choices on the far left it has been crashing recently and I see a couple other posts about crashing as well
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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are others noticing that power director 365 is crashing a lot just from clicking effects and the other choices on the far left it has been crashing recently and I see a couple other posts about crashing as well


There have been 4 posts in the last couple of weeks that are similar to your issue, but not the same.

It's difficult to assess the "commonality" of similar events without a lot more info, such as the DXDiag output, which might point to other system events and configurations.

From a troubleshooting perspective, unless members can duplicate findings, it's down to some guesswork and suggestions for action that might help.

For that reason, we do recommend that folk raise a support ticket and at least get their issue formally into CL's system and where it might help identify and resolve a more widespread problem.

So in your case, my PDR365 Business 2214 does not show any problem similar to yours, so I can't directly troubleshoot any further. I did mention that there was a few "similar" posts about crashes and effects/transitions etc. to a fellow mod yesterday but they are not similar enough to tie anything down at this point.

I would recommend raising a support ticket and seeing if that progresses to a solution, so that might help others if the solution is posted up.

PowerDirector Moderator

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BadWolf [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 10, 2015 09:45 Messages: 126 Offline
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Happens on my system a lot since the update to v21.0.2214.0
Nothing else has changed on my system.
I think it's a buggy release
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Quote Happens on my system a lot since the update to v21.0.2214.0
Nothing else has changed on my system.
I think it's a buggy release

Yes I agree 100%. This was never happening before and after the most recent update, many people are seeing it

I told Cyberlink and they sent me message asking for the dxdiag, version number, etc but I think this recent update is the problem
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Yes I agree 100%. This was never happening before and after the most recent update, many people are seeing it

I told Cyberlink and they sent me message asking for the dxdiag, version number, etc but I think this recent update is the problem

I also just saw a Facebook Post where someone was also complaining about random crashes, etc

It is for sure this latest version of PD365 with the problem. It is NOT everyone else's computer, graphics card, memory, etc

It is this version of PD 365
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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FWIW I haven't seen any crashing issues with the latest release on my 2 machines and I haven't see an unusual numbers of posts on the forum. That doesn't mean it isn't causing problems for some people, only that it isn't a universal issue like this one.

The usual troubleshooting steps may be in order. See this post and get the latest nVidia driver from here.
Clink365 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 27, 2017 17:49 Messages: 1 Offline
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I made the upgrade to the 365 Suite 6 weeks ago - i have crashes very frequent when performing very simple task, such as dragging the end of title asset to increase its duration - I NEVER had issues with that simple edit before - now I have to Save offen due to frequent crashes. I am running PD on a workstation that exceeds standard system requirements and I usually only have it running during video production/editting.
What is the Hotfix schedule for the 365 suite?
At this point, due to loss of productivity I may go back to PD17 until this crashing issues is resolved. . .
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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I find the report of these crashes very disturbing.
I did not have crashes with the latest release/version, but if others see them, there may be a potential problem with the software that potentially may hit us all and needs to be solved.

Can you please help us (and CL) and submit a rquest to CL support and maybe also with this forum (like a DXDiag.txt file), so that we can have a look at what might be wrong, whether it is a PC or a software issue that needs resolving?

Thanks for your help.
sfgal [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 14, 2016 10:47 Messages: 3 Offline
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Quote I made the upgrade to the 365 Suite 6 weeks ago - i have crashes very frequent when performing very simple task, such as dragging the end of title asset to increase its duration - I NEVER had issues with that simple edit before - now I have to Save offen due to frequent crashes. I am running PD on a workstation that exceeds standard system requirements and I usually only have it running during video production/editting.
What is the Hotfix schedule for the 365 suite?
At this point, due to loss of productivity I may go back to PD17 until this crashing issues is resolved. . .

I have had frequent nonsensical crashes since getting this standalone 21. As well as I have experienced numerous issues with it that I had to abandon using it a few days back in order to keep it from destroying precious time getting a project done. So I had to go back to version 15 on my same computer that has the capability to do the same job, except for the color match. Although I have Win 7 64 bit, it more than meets the minimum. Interesting going back in full to version 15 to see that version 15 can handle and do the very same things better than version 21.

For instance, besides not crashing without cause, or crashing when loading certain FX, it does far better job at chroma key with the native powerdirector way that involved using Edge Sharpness. Without the option to sharpen edges, one can have double or more the extra color choices and end up with noisy edges that make useless amateur keying. PD 15 can handle normal workload, and a lot of multiple tracks without crashing, and can render them quickly.

Besides the senseless crashing, PD 21 consistently would take over 90 minutes to render every 1 minute of video using the same exact settings as PDD 15 on the same computer, of which I select to make mp4. It was/is so horrible that only volunteer beta testers who receive the software for free for their troubles to go through the demanding job to trouble shoot all the issues until it is really ready to be released should be the ones to suffer experimenting with this. I am seriously thinking of returning this, and just get an earlier stable version from ebay to do color matching.

I noticed that pd 15 will sometimes get confused if I select a video to resize near a picture and try to jump, but I only need to make another re-attempt and it behaves. Not so with PD21: every time I go to resize a video, it will jump to the nearest image and resize that, and be stubborn about it, so I have to disable that picture to do a resize, but then it will jump to the next nearest image, and then even after then start jumping to nearer videos so it becomes a dark comedy of oh no you won't jump/disable to it displaying almost a willful intent to trouble the user and indeed jump yet again so no work can get done.

And I never heard my computer rev up so much like a jet plane gearing to take off from all of the cpu and reactions this version has, that simply does not happen on the same computer with version 15. I thank God I have stuck with version 15 as I never would have done all the various creative videos I have using multiple fx and videos together, because never could I have done any of that with a severely buggy inoperable software as powerdirector 21 is as I have experienced it. No, I will not jump through the various homework hoops that are so involved to the many bugs this version yet has that only beta testers should go through, as I never volunteered to be a beta tester, and opted to pay full lifetime price for a software release that is ready for release. Right now I would advise people to not buy the lifetime pd 21; check back again in a few months when cyberlink may decide to put out patches to make this a worakble version. At this point it is so buggy to be an early beta release for just the brave or technical-interested-geekers who like to aid in bringing versions to workable levels for all. No Joe-Public buyer should have to discover what he/she thought was a working version they paid full price for is a nightmare that will stop all their work at a time when no patches will be coming for weeks if not months at least.

This release isn't buggy, it's ultra buggy to the point of impractical. I do not like how cyberlink dumps such beta releases on the public as if they are ready to go, and then freshly puts same unsuspecting through demands that the more ethical companies will up front put notices out for volunteer beta testers, respecting their customers base enough to NOT deceive them beta-releases are stable releases. WIth all the sales out there, cyberlink should be able to do the ethical protocol of getting beta testers to jump the hoops on beta releases and be clear what is up for sale is not stable. Many persons use these for their jobs, and beta releases can cause serious workflow disruptions. No I am not going to stop my work to give support more than the 7 support ticket issues I reported since day one of getting this beta release, and just get their canned homework responses. I suspect they are fully aware this is beta and to work out the bugs will take some gathering of info. Well again I am not going to be one of the beta testers; I 've had one form or another of PDirector ultimate since 2014, and this is the worse of the worse not-ready-for-prime-time release I have had the misfortune to buy. My bad for not checking out first this was announced just this summer and too new.

So, like you I have NEVER had issues with simple edits before that it wasn't enough for me to just set to every 3 minutes back up, I simply had to abandon it because as time went on I encountered so many other issues that I could see it was too beta, too buggy to be still in experimental beta, and NOT ready for release, and seeing similar complaints and also just the homework responses from cyberlink. So I just wanted to add my me-too post here before I take the time once I complete my pressing project to get a refund on this lemon. I am just going to send Maliek a love tip when I do as I got it through his aff link, never before having such a nightmare wrestle with any previous powerdirector version releases as I have had since I regretfully took the plunge and got this early release of PD 21.

I have to add this: my refund was immediate. I had used paypal/cleverbridge and am pleased there was no haggle, no need to prove dissatisfaction, but instant process by cleverbridge via paypal to my credit card. So to any wanting to take the risk, you can see my example that you can/will get refunded if you find it doesn't work for you within 30 days of purchase as advertised. Personally I will check back in a few months, maybe a year for a stable release. Or maybe it may be cyberlink will admit that even if the hardware is right on those using Win 7, that PD 21 / 365 will not work properly on this version of Windows for those of us committed to keep their Win 7 64bit computers that will never have any microsoft updates to use as their preferred systems. Hopefully time will tell. When I see the refund in my ccards, will be sending Maliek a love tip as he is the reason I can use PD so well. I simply cannot sit around with a version too buggy that may or may not end up getting patched to be useful for me.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Nov 09. 2022 00:32

PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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The OP and others were referring to the last build of PowerDirector 365 (21.0.2214) released last week, not the standalone version (Ultra or Ultimate?) you purchased.

It very well could be that you are using Windows 7 that is causing the issue in the latest version for you. See this FAQ for more details:

Personally I will check back in a few months, maybe a year for a stable release. Or maybe it may be cyberlink will admit that even if the hardware is right on those using Win 7, that PD 21 / 365 will not work properly on this version of Windows for those of us committed to keep their Win 7 64bit computers that will never have any microsoft updates to use as their preferred systems. Hopefully time will tell.

Unfortunately that is not in the cards, since Microsoft has stopped technical support as noted in the FAQ.

PowerDirector Moderator

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 10. 2022 04:23

sfgal [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 14, 2016 10:47 Messages: 3 Offline
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Quote Hello,

The OP and others were referring to the last build of PowerDirector 365 (21.0.2214) released last week, not the standalone version (Ultra or Ultimate?) you purchased.

It very well could be that you are using Windows 7 that is causing the issue in the latest version for you. See this FAQ for more details:

Unfortunately that is not in the cards, since Microsoft has stopped technical support as noted in the FAQ.

PowerDirector Moderator

I know all were referring to 365 but 365 and 21 are in the same family, and I have been reading similar reports between the 2 of bugs. And I hoped by including my similar crashes here and my system that maybe it will be found that the bugs between 365 and 21 are the same, shedding some light on the same programming they share, perhaps helping more potential buyers to make educated deductions what may work for them, system wise, price wise. But I agree with you that Win 7 may no longer be compatible as time passes with the newer versions and so I hope that cyberlink will take honest hard look at that and stop perhaps auto-including Win 7 if they haven't tested it in truth, since as you say, it is well known that Microsoft no longer supports it, and so no further system updates will exist. Now if everyone started reporting they had win 7 then soon it would be clear that's the issue. But I did make double sure that Win 7 64 bit was included as compatible, before purchasing. Any rate I have gone and gotten a PD 16 version off ebay for the color match feature that should definitely work with Win 7 - I do wish cyberlink would sell older versions for those as myself, but that may be intentional on their end to force into monthly plans. Personally for me Win 7 I love because it keeps me free from having to pay perpetually in the new never-own-your-software marketing angles today, with older programs that still work wonderfully, and sometimes even better than the newer ones. Cheers to you also!
Blaza2703 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 22, 2022 18:37 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hi, I am not sure whether this is the place to come to vent this frustration but I bought the PowerDirector 365 Full version two days ago - upgrading from the Free version as I I needed a PC/ Latptop video editor to edit my YouTube videos - previously using InShot on my phone.

This is a brand new ASUZ ZenBook Laptop, coire i7, Pro 15 OLED and is quick and speedy. I am absolutely baffled then, that this Power365 Director 365 KEEPS crashing!!!

For various reasons, I can be editing a 15 min video or my most recent headache, a 2 hour video - editing out unecessary audio/ video/ ZERO transitions really - just editing out unwanted bits - so various 9 second clips throughout... and it crashes! The most recent one, has lost the last 4-5 hours of editing that I've done and the only reason I bought this product was to save me time... I'm beyond disappointed and am thinking that I need to get a refund and use a different platform.

Any ideas why this is happening or what I should try and use instead?

Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Repeated crashes are not normal and they are almost always a sign of incompatible/outdated drivers or system stability issues.

It's probably best to start a new thread and follow the instructions in the Read Me before Posting guide, and be sure to include the DxDiag test results as they will contain critical details about your system. You can also contact CL tech support as they do not monitor posts here on the user-to-user forum
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Quote Repeated crashes are not normal and they are almost always a sign of incompatible/outdated drivers or system stability issues.

It's probably best to start a new thread and follow the instructions in the Read Me before Posting guide, and be sure to include the DxDiag test results as they will contain critical details about your system. You can also contact CL tech support as they do not monitor posts here on the user-to-user forum

Many people have been complaining about crashes on PD 365 so there is something there. I also saw someone on Facebook complaning

I also get crashes on PD 365 when you start clicking on effects , other things,

NO EXCUSE for this. My Power Director 18 NEVER crashes so there is nothing wrong with my system and everyone else has a different system and many are getting crashes

It is THIS version of PD 365 that is the problem. They need to UPDATE the software

my PD 18 has never crashed from clicking around on the many different areas of the software
Blaza2703 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 22, 2022 18:37 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote Repeated crashes are not normal and they are almost always a sign of incompatible/outdated drivers or system stability issues.

It's probably best to start a new thread and follow the instructions in the Read Me before Posting guide, and be sure to include the DxDiag test results as they will contain critical details about your system. You can also contact CL tech support as they do not monitor posts here on the user-to-user forum

Ok brill I'll try and do that now - cheers
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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here is my dxdiag info

take a look and let me know why my PD 365 Crashes and PD 18 never crashes
DxDiag Nov 23.txt
94 Kbytes
135 time(s)
Blaza2703 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 22, 2022 18:37 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote here is my dxdiag info

take a look and let me know why my PD 365 Crashes and PD 18 never crashes

I've also got the DX info attached too - My version of Power Director is 365 (21)
DX Diag
148 Kbytes
133 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Quote I've also got the DX info attached too - My version of Power Director is 365 (21)

I see lots of issues with your system. First off is that the video drivers for your Intel iGPU and nVidia GTX 1650Ti are more than a year out of date.

Go to the Asus support page for your laptop and look for both under Drivers & Tools then under Graphics. I imagine there are many other updates you're missing so you may want to download and install those others while you're there.

The other main issue is the list of WindowsServicingFailures at the end of the DxDiag file where the most recent crashes are listed. If Asus has a diagnostic tool, run that and let it see if it can detect and repair any issues with your system. If you don't see that option, follow the steps shown in bold in this post.

There's also been at least one crash of the AsusSoftwareManager and that might need to be updated or uninstalled/reinstalled.

Please run through all of these steps and then try running PD and see if things go better for you.
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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did anyone look at my dxdiag ?
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