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Forum Name  Topic Answers Author Views Last message
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I swap a small PIP Video Track with a large main video track.... w/slow size transition? 12 Toddsta 2,441 Jul 30, 2013 09:16
PowerDirector (previous versions) Can I join two 'split' segments back together ... which are on the same video track? 4 Toddsta 1,535 Jul 30, 2013 08:10
Tomas G77
PowerDirector (previous versions) Where do I find my text justification options for a title track in PD 11 ??? It was so easy b4. 3 Toddsta 1,208 Apr 30, 2013 23:54
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I 'fade out' the end of the 'effect room - Pencil Sketch' effect? 14 Toddsta 4,539 Aug 30, 2010 12:44
PowerDirector (previous versions) PD8 - text sizing is not staying consistent? 1 Toddsta 1,047 Apr 23, 2010 10:58
Cap'n Kevin
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I "produce" a video in PD8 that is small enough to email?? 7 Toddsta 1,506 Apr 22, 2010 03:13
James Dotson
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I get a transition to fade over the following keyframe??? 16 Toddsta 3,182 Apr 19, 2010 08:36
PowerDirector (previous versions) How do I move the 'start' position of an imported video on the timeline? 6 Toddsta 1,994 Apr 18, 2010 23:18
PowerDirector (previous versions) Stuck on step 1 - How do I "Capture" video directly from my Camcorder? 3 Toddsta 1,251 Apr 17, 2010 16:28
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