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Forum Name  Topic Answers Author Views Last message
PowerDirector (previous versions) How do I get my disk image file burned to a disk? 15 Fabbian 8,339 Jan 28, 2019 02:08
PowerDirector (previous versions) Can't Produce SBS Half Width File 3 Fabbian 885 Oct 01, 2015 20:59
James Dotson
PowerDirector (previous versions) How do I combine multiple video streams in my movie? 9 Fabbian 5,062 May 08, 2015 03:29
Dafydd B
PowerDirector (previous versions) PowerDirector previews file but won't produce a movie from it 7 Fabbian 8,599 May 01, 2015 01:13
PowerDirector (previous versions) How Do I Rotate an Entire Clip Eight Degrees Left and Crop to Eliminate Black Borders? 2 Fabbian 967 Apr 12, 2015 17:08
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