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Adding a transition to selected tracks of different types?
2dguy [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 16, 2021 12:33 Messages: 43 Offline
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Track 1 is a video.
Track 2 has an image shown after track 1.
Track 3 has text that is shown on top of track 2.

I want to add a transition from track 1 to track 2 (which should also affect track 3).

After track 2 (and track 3 text) is done playing I then want to transition again.

I have not found a way to do this, is this even possible?
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Would it not be possible to put the image after track1 video also on track 1, then at least you have the transition applied to the video and image. What to do with the text in track 3 is hard to say without any examples? Maybe you can elaborate?
2dguy [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 16, 2021 12:33 Messages: 43 Offline
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Quote Would it not be possible to put the image after track1 video also on track 1, then at least you have the transition applied to the video and image. What to do with the text in track 3 is hard to say without any examples? Maybe you can elaborate?

Thx, but I'm looking for a solution or either a statement it's just not possible to do. I'm still somewhat new, but having images, text, in separate tracks seems like it's a common thing to do, especially when "layering" a clip.

Having a transition span multiple tracks seems like it should be a no brainer but it appears it's not possible.

Surprised it's not brought up before especially with text on differnt tracks overlayed on clips, images, etc. hmm.....
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Thx, but I'm looking for a solution or either a statement it's just not possible to do. I'm still somewhat new, but having images, text, in separate tracks seems like it's a common thing to do, especially when "layering" a clip.

Having a transition span multiple tracks seems like it should be a no brainer but it appears it's not possible.

Surprised it's not brought up before especially with text on differnt tracks overlayed on clips, images, etc. hmm.....


I suspect that it may depend on the transition you choose. Many transitions pull content from an adjacent clip, if there is no clip there then the transition seems to display incorrectly. As I understand your requirement, then there may well be no preceding or subsequent clip and that would then be problematical.

Here's a couple of examples of the sort of thing I think you mean. Since there are no inter-track transitions, placing the same transition at the beginnings and/or ends of each clip would be necessary. The Fade transition works fine, but the Ripple transition does not display correctly at all clip boundaries.
However, I may be misreading your situation, so an image of your timeline and/or a screen capture would be helpful.

Again, I might be misunderstanding, but what you are seeking might require a compromise between your own editing techniques and the logic/functionality of the software, so a potential solution may not be a binary choice!

If you attach an timeline image or video for members to look at please also reference this post on privacy.

PowerDirector Moderator
Transition Fade.mp4
19278 Kbytes
111 time(s)
Transition Ripple.mp4
20419 Kbytes
204 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 26. 2022 15:25

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2dguy [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 16, 2021 12:33 Messages: 43 Offline
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Quote Here's a couple of examples of the sort of thing I think you mean. Since there are no inter-track transitions, placing the same transition at the beginnings and/or ends of each clip would be necessary. The Fade transition works fine, but the Ripple transition does not display correctly at all clip boundaries.
PowerDirector Moderator

Thank you for taking the time to reply. yah, it does look like having to add the same transition to each clip is the work around, I'll have to experiement and see how that works.

But hopefully this might give you some food for thought for a future update, as logically it seems like the user should be able to place a transition onto a clip and then if the user continues to hold down the mouse, etc, and then dragging downward over other clips the transition would apply to those clips as well. Maybe interally it's doing nothing more than you described.

At least in my head, .lol.... I want to do something as shown in the attached image example.
[Thumb - pwdmultitrans.png]
Visual example of how multi track transitions might work.
64 Kbytes
3 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 27. 2022 00:33

PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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But hopefully this might give you some food for thought for a future update, .........

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PowerDirector Moderator

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