OK, will try to explain (difficult without screenshots) following also audio related issue. When I have an audio file in the timeline and go to the Audio Mixing room, I have the possibility to make an automatic (2sec) fade-in or fade-out for the track the audio is on the timeline at momentary position of the cursor. When cursor is at the start of the audio clip, clicking the fade-in button will create a correct 2 sec fade-in with 2 keyframes, but when the cursor is somewhere in the middle of the audio clip clicking the fade-in button will generate a jumpy fade-in with 3 keyframes. The fade-out button creates always correct fade outs with 2 keyframes nevertheless the position of the cursor on the timeline.
Bug, not sure, might be just a misunderstanding on operation, I don't think it was ever intended to operate mid clip.
To me the operation is the same for fade in or out purpose
1) If the cursor is at the beginning or end of the clip you get a standard 2 sec fade in or fade out and one added volume control point. Audio already has one at beginning and end of clip.
2) If the cursor is not at the beginning or end, but within 2 sec of beginning or end, your get fade in or out from the cursor position to the beginning or end of the clip. So one can get a 1 sec fade in or out if the cursor is 1 sec from beginning or 1 sec from end
3) If the cursor is outside the 2 sec fade window from beginning or end, your get something not real useful. Other than some points to manually adjust, but what is a fade in or out at the 5 min mark of a 10 min clip? I guess you could recommend they do a 5 min fade but most wouldn't really want that.