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Suggestions for PDR 15
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Neil I believe you can overlay the clip with new one or with background at exact, defined time. It will trim the clip precisely the way you want. I haven't tried it but it should work. Especially that it's possible to create video from single frames so this idea should make it work. But we'll... yeah it's kind of workaround...
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: Neil I believe you can overlay the clip with new one or with background at exact, defined time. It will trim the clip precisely the way you want. I haven't tried it but it should work. Especially that it's possible to create video from single frames so this idea should make it work. But we'll... yeah it's kind of workaround...

Hi, Karab!

You're correct, overlay is an option in PD14 but I've not tried it for myself, and thus far, have not had a use for it. Some time in the future, I might get around to experimenting with it. What happens is, if you're inserting a new clip at the beginning of your video, or inserting a clip between two other clips, you're given the option to overwrite, insert, insert and move all clips(after the inserted clip, obviously), crossfade or replace the clip. For myself, I assemble-edit my videos, that is, I pull all my clips from a folder into the media library, then drop each clip, in turn, into the timeline(I always put a black colour board at the very start, then use a transition effect to "introduce" the video). Asfter I've added several clips, trimming them down to exact minutes and seconds, as I've explained in my previous post in this thread, I add transitions, always at 5 seconds duration(including those as the start and end). I always use transitions. I watch TV shows put together by so-called "professionals" and see a scene change without a transition effect to "segue" from one scene to the next.... and they call themselves "professionals"....Hah! What a joke! Scene changes like those in TV shows, sudden jumps, look bad. Drop in a transition and it eases you out of one scene an into the next, smoothly, much better looking too!


[Post New]
Transitions are good to express some thoughts. They should help to follow what happens on the screen. Switch from one context to another or and create the mood. For single perspective change or camera change transition is not really necessary. I think they're important and good when used carefully.


I had to missunderstand you. I confused some stuff and I thought it is not possible to cut one frame off in PD14. It's good if it's possible. I'm glad to hear that


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 23. 2016 07:46

Anonymous [Avatar]
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I had to missunderstand you. I confused some stuff and I thought it is not possible to cut one frame off in PD14. It's good if it's possible. I'm glad to hear that


Hi, Karab!

Yeah, I found the ability to split off just one frame extremely useful for the way I edit video. My editing practice involves rounding off each clip to an exact number of minutes and seconds, so any surplus "frames" get the chop. In PD8 I was not able to do such fine editing as the "split" function would be greyed out until I counted off at least three frames from the start or end of the clip, but with PD14 I can now do such fine editing with ease, so, if you have a clip that runs one frame over, say two minutes and ten seconds, "snippity-snip" and it's "bye-bye, spare frame!" ha-ha!


marja3D [Avatar]
Newbie Location: France Joined: Jun 04, 2010 05:34 Messages: 35 Offline
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Good evening
The conversion module 2D - 3D could be improved but more interesting to be able to exploit the 3D video tours with two camcorders, you can assign a track to the video on the right and another track for the video on the left.

Best regards
Jacques Mariaud marja3D
marja3D [Avatar]
Newbie Location: France Joined: Jun 04, 2010 05:34 Messages: 35 Offline
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Good evening
are there any fans of 3D or 3D filmmakers on this list.

Best regards
Jacques Mariaud marja3D
Richmond Dan
Senior Contributor Location: Richmond, VA Joined: Aug 07, 2014 17:17 Messages: 673 Offline
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Suggestion for PD15 (and I haven't read all 5 pages of previous suggestions, so this may have been suggested already): a single button that would allow you to remove all transitions from a slideshow. After lots of editing changes, using the "undo" button a bunch of times isn't practical, because then you need to re-do all those edits. Regards,
Power Director 21-Ultimate
v 21.0.3111.0
XPS-8940, Win-10 64-bit,
Intel Core i9-10900 processor
(10 core, 20M Cache),
Lorna [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 17, 2015 15:53 Messages: 1 Offline
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The digital transitions cause slideshow to freeze. I wish I could remove it so that the slideshow does not use it.
JohntheAussie [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Australia, SA Joined: Jun 02, 2011 20:17 Messages: 23 Offline
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Please fix the "Cross" Transitions, particularly on the commonly used Fade, so we don't get the freeze at the beginning and end of a transition. This freeze is very noticable and quite annoying. Apparently the problem is not universal, it only seems to affect fades, wipes, threshold and a few others. PD14 Ultimate
Win 10 64bit, Intel Core i5 - 2400, 16Gb RAM, Nvidia Geforce GT 430, 240Gb SSD
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: Please fix the "Cross" Transitions, particularly on the commonly used Fade, so we don't get the freeze at the beginning and end of a transition. This freeze is very noticable and quite annoying. Apparently the problem is not universal, it only seems to affect fades, wipes, threshold and a few others.

Hey, John!

You've beaten me to this! I was going to suggest this as well. Also, when the "cross" behaviour is selected, the audio component is automatically attached! And another one I tried earlier while doing some editing work, was the "Water Droplets" effect, modified it to my specs, went to save and PD14 "crashed". Not good, Cyberlink! Not good at all!


JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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CL, fix the "Apply Random Transition to All Videos" so that when "Prefix Transition" is selected you get a random prefix transition applied to ALL videos as the option states, not just the first video. Same issue occurs for "Postfix Transition", in this case you only get the transition applied to the end of the last video.

Same issue occurs for "Apply Fade Transition to All Videos" and "Apply Random Audio Transition to All Audio" when prefix or postfix selection is used.

All prefix and postfix options only apply to a single video in the timeline, not ALL videos as advertised.

[Thumb - PD14_Apply_Trans.png]
783 Kbytes
120 time(s)
Richmond Dan
Senior Contributor Location: Richmond, VA Joined: Aug 07, 2014 17:17 Messages: 673 Offline
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On your screenshot, it doesn't look as though you have "selected all" of the videos. I know it specifically says to apply to all, but if might work if you first selected all. Just guessing...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 31. 2016 17:07

Power Director 21-Ultimate
v 21.0.3111.0
XPS-8940, Win-10 64-bit,
Intel Core i9-10900 processor
(10 core, 20M Cache),
Senior Contributor Location: USA-NM Joined: Aug 04, 2014 10:11 Messages: 650 Offline
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The ability to adjust volumes on multiple clips at once.

If I have more than one clip selected, ignore where the play marker is and adjust the selected clips to the specified level.

I know... use the Normalize feature. I do, but when I have several clips that I want to be louder, this would be a nice feature.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Feb 01. 2016 17:56

CyberPowerPC | Win7HP-64 | AMD FX-8320 3.5 Ghz | 8GB Mem | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB | WEI 5.9

My Video Editing Computer
| My DirectX Diagnostics

PowerDirector 15.0.2820.0 | PhotoDirector 7.0.7504.0 | AudioDirector 6.0.5902.0 | ColorDirector 4.0.4627.0 | Power2Go 9.0.2602.0

Sutter Hill SDA Church
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Richmond Dan
Senior Contributor Location: Richmond, VA Joined: Aug 07, 2014 17:17 Messages: 673 Offline
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In PD14, to preview effects, you click on an effect and you can see how it affects that silly little pinwheel. Why not have a real-life video clip? Even if only 3-5 seconds long and low-resolution, it would be better than the pinwheel.

(Note: I'm not suggesting that users could select their own clip, just that CL develop a stock clip that would demonstrate the effect better than the pinwheel does now.) Regards,
Power Director 21-Ultimate
v 21.0.3111.0
XPS-8940, Win-10 64-bit,
Intel Core i9-10900 processor
(10 core, 20M Cache),
RDOIII [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 28, 2010 17:48 Messages: 14 Offline
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Please Fix the basic audio mixer function - it is currently useless and makes using PD 14 for editing multiple clips a time consuming drudgery - negating any speed savings in the rendering process - even though the video editing is top-shelf

Please see my post

Link to Audio Editing post in PD14 forum

PS - I would greatly appreciate someone providing help with my issues with audio mixing - but think it is a design flaw in the audio mixer.

Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: Please Fix the basic audio mixer function - it is currently useless and makes using PD 14 for editing multiple clips a time consuming drudgery - negating any speed savings in the rendering process - even though the video editing is top-shelf

Please see my post

Link to Audio Editing post in PD14 forum

PS - I would greatly appreciate someone providing help with my issues with audio mixing - but think it is a design flaw in the audio mixer.


Had a hiccup on my internet connection.... Back now!RDOIII's comment needs to be given serious consideration. The Audio Room for PD15 should be made to operate exactly like that of PD8, much more user-friendly! As opposed to the uncooperative model in PD14.


Steven70 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 17, 2015 13:05 Messages: 49 Offline
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How about making you be able to slow your clips down much more for fast frame rate video when you want to do nice slow motion PD14 don't go slow enough for it.
[Post New]
Quote: ...

Also, I would like to have a SAVE feature in MultiCam Designer so I can work on my project later and especially now the PD 14 always crashes. big headache

+1. Multicam designer has saved me a lot of time in my product presentation videos but on long projects it becomes risky. Saving the audio sync previously used on the same clips would be a start so I don't have to 'OK' the multicam design half way through and then restart with another few minutes of the same audio syncronization.

I would also like to be able to see audio track waveforms on the multicam designer. If one doesn't import a seperate waveform you don't get to see important audio cues.

Video studio in Bonn, Germany
[Post New]
Audio edition.**Please fix this in PD14 through Update or PD15

Audio is the black point of Pd14. Otherwise it is a great tool.

What i expect it should works :

- when i group two or more audio clips, be able to change the gain of all the select audio clip
- when i group two or more audio clips, be able to make mod with audio director to all the select clip

The way it currently work is a nightmare. If i cut 75 times. I have to apply audio director effect 75 times. Make me crazy.

In addition we should be able to change the level of the select clip instead of using point by point decrease.

It needs two mode (select by one key shift for example). One where we change the level of the selected clips (like in sony vegas) and another as it is now.
Rene [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 02, 2015 18:26 Messages: 3 Offline
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Right-to-left text support in Title Designer would be nice.

at this moment proper input of RTL languages (e.g. Hebrew) is not possible.

Added Bonus for CyberLink: Might also attract an additional customer base from countries where RTL is the default writing style (arab and Hebrew speaking countries)
collie581 [Avatar]
Member Location: Aberdeen Scotland Joined: Oct 21, 2015 11:43 Messages: 92 Offline
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It would be good if we could select multiple clips and delete the audio with one click. It is a bit of a pest having to unlink the audio in each clip individually, deselect it, re-select it and then delete. Maybe there is a short cut I have not found yet.
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