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Suggestions for PDR 15
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You can create one in Cyberlink Lens Correction Profile Generator available in directors zone but instructions are quite unclear
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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this is NOT the thread for answers, however...for photographs, lens corrections are PRESETS and can be created in PhotoDirector. For video the only lens correction are the profiles created by Cyberlink and available on D-Zone. If you wish to continue please start a thread on the main forum, do not reply here further on this topic.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 17. 2016 16:51

HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
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Just correcting your answer
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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This is the PowerDirector 14 to 15 suggestion box, you asked about creating a lens profile and I was silly and assumed you would be talking about PowerDirector. I stand by my statement that you CANNOT make profiles in PD. You, of course have found the Profile Generator DOWNLOAD available on the D-Zone, I've never used it, but THIS is the PD thread, not meant for these types of questions. I suggest YOU learn to use it and post a tutorial for it in the proper room, and then you can be a teacher for others. I would certainly watch it, and I am downloading it myself right now (38MB so far and still downloading). Last word, there are about 40 Canon lenses on the list (in PhD), yours is not, but several are quite close. This ENTIRE process would be an excellent subject and we should stop here, start over with a NEW TOPIC either in ColorDirector, PhotoDirector, or even PowerDirector.
HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
[Post New]
Relax. I will

when Cyberlink support team kindly tell some details about it. User Guide is not very clear. As far as I know I can use any .pdlcp in PD14.

Topic of course exists but needs more attention

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jan 17. 2016 18:31

Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: Neil,
Cyberlink puts out a new version every year, they decide what is implemented, and if they try too much I suspect a ton of bugs and a whole bunch of upset people using it. Now then, if you want all the whizzbang stuff RIGHT NOW, you can drop uber $$$ for another pro-level NLE. I'll repeat myself just once, price and target audience. This is a great program at a great price, with this SUPERB forum of volunteers.

Hi, Barry!

I'm not after "whizz-bang"! I, like you, or many others in this forum, desire ease of use, so that we're not "bamboozled" by "bells & whistles" features that we're likely never to use. Your comment: They decide what is implemented sums it up neatly! Yes, it is them at Cyberlink who'll determine what goes into Power Director 15, and that's been what I've been trying(in my clumsy way) to say, all along. Our Polish friend, Karab44, wants "lens profiles", It's 99% likely he won't get that! All we can do now is wait for PD15 to surface, and read the packet to see what the new features are.


Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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Making a lens profile is much more than a few photos and mouse-clicks, to be honest I was unaware of the tedious steps needed to create a profile for a lens. Cyberlink has, indeed, provided a program for users to create the profiles but after you see it you might be dissuaded from trying.
Here is the link to the thread so far...
As for deciding the content of the next version of PD, ok, so here we have 5 pages of suggestions, about 25 posts on each page. Let's see, multiply the thingy, carry the 3, divide...that's 125 posts SO FAR. At least half of those are actual ideas, the others just back and forth of members. So conservatively 60 new ideas, I can't wait to see the mess that turns into for PD15. By the time V15 arrives, this will be 200 new ideas, if they implement 4 of them that will be 98% failure-to-act rate. I'm sorry, you are correct. But I'll gladly take the 4 new functions over a mess. Now I'll go find a company whose R&D has the customers calling the shots so I can see them go out of business. HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
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I am aware of that and this is why I have to know how to make one on my own.
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: Neil
I am aware of that and this is why I have to know how to make one on my own.

Hello, Karab!

Your desire to create your own lens profile may be realised sometime in the future, probably in PD version 20 or so, but I honestly doubt it will turn up in PD15.

And Barry, your quip: "Now I'll go find a company whose R&D has the customers calling the shots so I can see them go out of business", I don't think any of us really want to "call the shots" as such, but based on what we've seen lacking in PD14(in my case, the ability to author at DVD-SP for 16:9 AR digital content, or analogue 4:3 which I converted to 16:9 through CLPV, for example), I think we'd like to see some features and methods of use reinstated that had proved useful in previous versions of Power Director.


Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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I'm a little crabby lately, Neil.
Certainly your frustration at having to keep an ancient version of PD just for burning is completely understandable, you must make a lot of loooong videos. Maybe the coding for this feature conflicts with something else they are doing.
You know, you might try giving them a boot in the butt on their Facebook page, I've done that before. Not everything I say or type is happy stuff about Cyberlink, in the past I have given them grief, though at the moment I can't recall what the subjects were, it's been some time.

OK, let's get back to suggestions and pray for 3% compliance!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 18. 2016 12:45

HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
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Neil it is possible now via Cyberlink Lens Profile Generator program. Just follow the link to the forum thread Barry shared previously for more details if you're interested. It generates pdlcp files for photo/power director but we don't exactly know how to do it.
OttoGa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 02, 2011 07:37 Messages: 6 Offline
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I think that it would be good idea if PD15 (or even 14) would cater for higher timeline framerates. Many cameras today can capture video at much higher framerates than the maximum 50 (PAL) or 60 (NTFS) currently catered for in PD14.

This is doubly frustrating as you can produce at a higher framerate and then getting a time rate conflict message when importing the produced clip back into your project.
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Barry, Karab and OttoGa.

I posted a reply yesterday(my time) on this but my post didn't make it into the system, I was having issues with a sluggish internet service(in spite of a good signal on my wireless modem).

Barry, it isn't so much "frustration" at having to rely on an older Power Director version to author my DVDs, it's more the combination of the two versions lets me do a few more tricks, the two versions sort-of compliment each other so I don't think there's much of a conflict, I have a few other editing programmes also on my computer(third-party), no problems there either. It's just that Cyberlink should've retained the DVD-SP profile for DVD authoring in PD14.

Karab, It wasn't so much me who was interested in customised lens profile generation, but I'm happy you've found a way to do what you wanted.

Otto, I don't really see the difference higher framerates make. 25fps(PAL) or 30fps(NTSC) have served the industry well and it's really all about what the eye perceives as movement on the screen. Higher framerates are a bit like a fifth wheel.... "spare".


Gordon 7 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: England Joined: Jan 29, 2012 15:45 Messages: 24 Offline
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I'm not a regular to this forum, but in my first post 4 years ago I suggested some some features to improve basic editing which have since been adopted. One that hasn't (not that I can find) is a tool to select freeform an area of a video scene (e.g. sky) to edit in Fix/Enhance, with feathering. It should be simple enough to add to basic editing.
Also useful would be:
Stop timeline marker jumping back at end of clip, (damned nuisance)
Reverse play in timeline,
Option to open output folder at end of a produce.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 19. 2016 17:03

Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote: I'm not a regular to this forum, but in my first post 4 years ago I suggested some some features to improve basic editing which have since been adopted. One that hasn't (not that I can find) is a tool to select freeform an area of a video scene (e.g. sky) to edit in Fix/Enhance, with feathering. It should be simple enough to add to basic editing.
Also useful would be:
Stop timeline marker jumping back at end of clip, (damned nuisance)
Reverse play in timeline,
Option to open output folder at end of a produce.

Hi, Gordon!

I most certainly agree with you on the timeline maker(scrubber), At the end of a clip, you want the marke to stay where it is, especially when you're adding new material to build up your movie. Reverse Play in timeline has been available since PD8(it's available in "Power Tools") As for option to open output folder, where you've directed the "produce" to be saved, that's simply a matter of keeping that folder present on the toolbar on the bottom of your monitor to click on when you've completed your "produce"(render) to see what the final length is, the size of the file and wow well it will play in Windown Media Player or VLC or even Power DVD).


Gordon 7 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: England Joined: Jan 29, 2012 15:45 Messages: 24 Offline
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Reverse in Power Tools reverses the whole clip. I mean play backwards so the timeline marker moves backwards. I know you can drag it backwards but it's not as smooth viewing. Other video editors have this.

Thanks for the toolbar tip, though I would still like an 'open folder' button in PD.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jan 20. 2016 18:24

Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Gordon!

Timeline marker moving backwards? Hmmmm..... I have a few other(third party) video editing programmes and I've not yet struck that feature in them, so that's a newie on me! Other programmes have this feature, you say? Not Roxio, Corel Video Studio or Pinnacle, they're the three main ones I have, apart from Power Director and, as I've said, I'd not seen this feature in them. Clearly you've had access to, and use of such a programme with this feature. Out of pure curiosity, I'd like to know what programme it was. Could you tell me, please?


NigelVideo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 25, 2014 13:43 Messages: 45 Offline
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Feature requests:

Multi trim option when in Theme Designer:
Currently if you want to use multiple parts of a clip in a theme segment you need to do this as a separate project, render the multi trimmed result then import that single clip into your theme. This results in a lot of extra work and reduction in that clip's quality since it will be rendered an additional time.

Export clip split info (start,stop,alias) to text, csv, xls file:
That way you could load into an xls and storyboard and calculate your project duration.
Gordon 7 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: England Joined: Jan 29, 2012 15:45 Messages: 24 Offline
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To answer Neil's question,
it's called rewind in Adobe Premiere Elements. In PD I find myself doing loads of 1 frame clicks to go back a bit. The 1 second click isn't much use. Simple play backwards is easier. It also fast rewinds same as fast forward in PD. Gordon
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Gordon!

Yeah, that's an interesting feature to have. Something I have noted though, in PD14 that I could not do in PD8, was to split a video wit just one frame's length from a previous split, in a better explanation: cut a single frame out of the clip. I could do this in Corel, but in PD8 you had to count at least three frames before the split function could be used again. I value the one-frame split because, when editing I try to keep my videos running to an exact number of minutes and seconds, with no "spare" frames. So, if I can take a video back from, say, 1 minute, 23 seconds and one frame, snip off that redundant frame and have 1 minute, 23 seconds exactly, Wunderbar!(er, that's "Wonderful" in English). The only things PD14 falls down on are DVD authoring(restricted to DVD-HQ or "Smart-fit" for 16:9 wide-screen MPEG2 stuff) and setting transitions to automatically "crossfade" instead of "overlap" and have the audio component of the transition added as well, I have covered that elsewhere. I consider these as design faults rather than innovations in PD14.


[Post New]
Neil I believe you can overlay the clip with new one or with background at exact, defined time. It will trim the clip precisely the way you want. I haven't tried it but it should work. Especially that it's possible to create video from single frames so this idea should make it work. But we'll... yeah it's kind of workaround...
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