I agree with Carl about not moving Windows Temporary Files location after Windows has been installed.
However, when you install Windows, you can use Audit Mode to install it before it actually creates the Users folder.
I would NOT move the ProgramData folder to a location that isn't on the OS drive - that was where my problem was.
This is the guide for Windows 7:
It covers the official Microsoft way of moving those files.
It is technical, but works. As I said, do NOT move the ProgramData folder though. Either PD11 hates it being moved, or Quicktime does.
Once you install Windows 7 using that guide, PD11 works fine (so do all the other apps).
I then change it so the pagefile.sys file is located on my 1TB HD.
I also then created a symbolic link on the C drive (SSD) to point to the D drive where Users is now stored
This basically forces any program that hard codes C: \Users into their install script, to actually write it to D: \Users.
Using this method, it means that when PowerDirector 11 starts, it loads the program off of the SSD, but all working files and folders ie your videos etc are actually loaded from the normal HDD instead.
The Temp folder is also located on the D: drive too.
Obviously, Cyberlink don't support this method, but it does work - and works very well once I figured it out
I have 68GB free on my SSD and 770GB free on my 1TB drive.