After completing my latest video, and the first big one I did in PowerDirector I noticed that everywhere I had used Freeze Frame the resulting Snapshot.jpg it created was very low quality
My original video was a 4k video, and the JPS was 3840x2160, but unbeleivably low quality
After tearing my hair out quite a lot, I found that almost no settings made a difference
One google suggested changing the Timeline preview quality to Ultra HD, and while this massively slowed me down, the snapshots were still low quality
Accidentally I found that if I did "Render Preview" first, the the snapshot was a perfect match of the last frame of the video.
But this takes 10+ minutes, and as soon as you do Freeze Frame the green line disappears for the rest of the video (presumably as the timeline just changed), and the next time you do Freeze Frame it will be low quality again
In the end I managed to fix this specific video, but it required me to:
0) Render preview for the entire video
1) find each low quality snapshot
2) find the video it was created from in the timeline, and select it
3) go to the timeline preview for that specific clip
4) find the right timestamp to snapshot
5) select Snapshot in the preview
6) save this in a new folder
7) locate it in the media library
drag it over the original snapshot and do Replace
I had to do that loop for 45 snapshots - took near 2 hours
Am I missing something obvious? It cant be that you have to have a slow timeline preview (Ultra HD) and a full Render Preview before snapshot will generate one tat matches the video it was clipped from????