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PowerDVD full Version: 9.0.2201.0
PowerDVD SR Number: DVD090929-093
Operating System: Windows 7 64bit
Is your PowerDVD a Retail product or bundles with HW?: Trial, since PowerDVD 7 wich came with the bluray reader doesn't work with win7.

Used VGA: Asus EAH4650 512 mb HDMI
Used VGA driver version: 8.681.0.0
Used Audio device: Realtek integrated on MB
Used Audio device driver version:
Which kind of display connection: HDMI
Are you using singel or dual monitor environment: Single LCD 37" monitor
What kind of Antivirus SW are you using: Avast 4.8 Prof.
Blu-Ray drive: LG Intern Blu-Ray BH08LS20

My problem: When i try to run a Bluray-disc powerdvd shows a loading-process bar. It will load aroung 11-24% and then the whole program just crashes. I've tried it several times with both PowerDVD 7 and 9 (trial) in different compatible-modes but no luck.

I can play .avi-files from my local HDD just fine.

Help me out, i've just bought a new computer and it can't play bluray. I'm in need of HELP!!
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