Have an older JVC camcorder GZ-MG 130U and need to pull some files off the hard drive in the camcorder. At one point Cyberlink was working with JVC and hoping can get some help here. I need the Media Browser version 1 that will help my computer recognize the camcorder but cannot seem to find it anywhere. Yes I have gone to the Pizela site and when trying to get it there it just allows me to download the update for that version. Searched the web and cannot seem to find it anywhere and have not heard back as of yet from JVC for help.
Any help here appreciated
This might seem to simple. doing a documentary and want to put in text boxes in created slides, leave them on the screen for say 10 seconds for the questions to be read we are asking the subjects and then add the video response. Can do all the editing, just need to know the easiest way to create the text box.. Seems the older versions were easier to do this then 16. Any instructions anywhere on this? Thanks.
Thank you Dafydd and all for the responses. Never realized I had a clip selected in my media content and also on the time line. That explains this. Wht the duration setting, shouldn't it give me a second time frame no matter what fps I am using?
And Jeff, thank you for the help with what settings to get to correct duration on a cross fade transition.
Has anyone had any thought on the shaky video when slowing down the speed of the video? Or with my past post, just try to use a very clean fast machine and no issues. I am going to use my son's computer(we have many for our business), it is very fast with not a lot on it and see if that helps with the editing of the videos.
Again, thank you all, I really love the program and our clients rave about our videos!
With the stuttering video, it just gives a very jerky showing when slowing it down with the video speed option say turned to 80 percent speed or slower.
I will state that I have found over the years with the program if you are running a clean machine with not a lot on it as far as programs and a bunch of junk that accumulates over time, it works flawless. Need a lot of hard drive space and not a lot running or going on in the background for the best results.
I find If I run a cleaner or some type of program that cleans the system up, it does perform better. I never run it without running a cleaning program first. I have never tried disabling my virus protection and then just pulling my internet plug but guessing it might run better as well. Less running in the background is a good thing.
If you start to add a lot of programs and other things as is the case with any computer, I have found it does effect the performance of Power Director.
Just an update, produced a film I was working on and the dredded shake is on all clips that I slowed down. I then thought to try the video stabilizer and that did not help either. I have looked into that program Magic+PD but have not tried it as of yet. My issue with this is I really do not want to have to use another program to correct what cyber link should be correcting pr working the right way with just slowing down the video without causing it to shake. Again, I love the program and will continue to use it because it is very easy to use.
One more update, tried to produce in H265HEVC and received this error message.
sorry if not in order as explained.
Hi no problem. Picture of clip highlighted and as you can see on tool bar with the power tools or editing options showing. Next clip highlighted, same type of file shot from same camera, hothing showing.
Placed a cross transition between clips and made sure in settings that 1 second was the way it should be as you can see. Select the cross transition and when placing, it goes to a .20 speed on the duration as shown.
Am I doing something wrong or missing a setting?
Do not have this issue with PD 14 or any of the past versions which I have been using for years. Love the program. Just want to correct these issues with the newer version.
Thanks for any help, appreciate it.
Not sure if I should have upgraded or not from 14. Not seeing a great deal more but will see as I go.
Having an issue with the editing icons (Designer, fix/enhance, tools etc). When I click a clip I have put on timeline, of the many there, I am haviing an issue with the editing icons showing and not showing up. Some clips they are there and others when highlighted, the icons are not showing up. Frustrating because I want to edit each clip and if not there to access, cannot do any editing.
Another is when I set the duration between clips for a cross fade and set in the preferences that I want one second, it continues to give me .20 as the length. Will not use the 1.00 I have listed as what i want.
Also, when slowing down a clip with video speed, to say 80 percent, the dreaded choppy video starts. Was doing this in 14 as well and thought the upgrade might fix that issue.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you Scott for the help. Will give it a try and post results.
Thank you for the response. Will give it a go. Appreciate it.
I tried doing the pause thing and then switching camera's for the audio capture and the issue here is it automatically removes al the audio on the track from the previous camera i was using for audio. Is their a way to keep all audio when I pause recording to switch audio supply of the camera?
When recording after syncing up say 4 camera's if I want to switch the audio to use from one of the camera's to the other after synced and now recording, do I just hit pause, switch the audio source and then start up again? Can it be the simple?
Hi, I am using vlc media player so now I understand. Cannot thank you enough. My Brother's daughter wedding and thought I had the name showing at beginning and did not want it to look that way. You saved the day!!!!!! Thanks very much for your help!
Sorry if this is answered somewhere, but need help and cannot seem to find how to do what we want in searching.
Every video we create, at the beginning it shows the type of file and the name we gave it at the bottom at the beginning. How do we stop that from happening? Thank you very much.
I know i can stretch a video to any length but how can I just take certain parts of a video say when someone is jumping in it and slow it does just for that part. It states I think you can hold down control and drag but every time it does all it does is drag the whole video on the time line. Thanks
Thanks again for the great info on the forum site. I will mention, I have been using this product for some time and find it really works great and love the new features added as time goes on. I find it the best for my purpose. I will state that when I did have issues it was usually a driver update or something more on my end then the product. If you have a fast machine and not to much clutter on it to conflict with this program, will work fantastic. That's why I use two machines. One for the internet and all the junk out there and then the one I use Power director on which by the way also has the adobe suite and several other high end programs. No issues all working together.
ok, should have read all the forums first. Sorry It was the mp3 causing the issues. Wav. and worked great. Thanks for the forums and the help it offers.
Hi, showing a college swim video for my daughter this Saturday. Set up the pictures and music and everything is perfect. Works exactly as timed in preview. When I go to produce the video, when I play it the audio is ending sooner then it should. Still have 6 or 7 slides (2 seconds each) still to view and the music ending. The song is correct and nothing has been cut out of it, when previewing works exactly as laid out to end on last slide. Not after producing. Almost like the music was going to fast but doesn't seem to be. Can I adjust this anywhere or can someone help me with the fix. Kind of in a panic. Thanks.
I just tried again after reading some other posts on adjustments. It is still showing in the preview after completed the music is 5:20 in length which matches the slides. When producing it, the music ends at 5:00. A full 20 seconds to fast. Hope this helps. Have tried producing it several ways.
I am running the latest version of power director 10, just updated it yesterday. Windows 7 64 bit with 16 GB's of menory and intel raid solid state drives. Machine can handle just about anything. All video drivers are updated.
Just took note the issue with MP3 files. That is what I am using. Will convert to WAV or WMA and see what happens.
Thanks for all the help and response. Agree with the expectations on a 100 dollar program and the end result when you have big time stuff being done to files to make them look great. This 100 dollar program actually has a lot of bang for the buck and like it very much. I am sure if I just went out and got the blu ray player and converted that way, would be very happy with results and that might be the course of action. Might go get a PS3 which plays Blu ray and can also then have the game system : . Thanks again for the help and guidance.
So bottom line, when creating projects with the program and you are using High Def pics and video, and Produce an avi that is 1.5 GB's, when burning, I will get a degradation in the quality of the video because it creates it to be a 720. My guess would be eventually, disc's will become a thing of the past and things created will be streamed or use other sources to view them, eliminating the reason to burn.
Probably should start another post on this but in the past and now, I create avi's and then have them on a hard drive which I connect to a media player which plays everything in high def on my TV plugging in with the HDMI cable. Weird thing now is since I have updated the program, My media player will not play the avi file although it plays every other one on the drive. Not sure why.
If that were the case, any dvd purchased at a retailer and played back on a dvd player would not look very good. I think because the size of the file on that dvd is usually 8.5 GB's you get the good quality and with power director shrinking down the size of the orginal, no matter what the res size quality is for playback, you lose quality. I also find when converting or creating, the avi option seems to give the best results. And I would have to guess its because of the size of the file. The other options when creating the same file or movie, always come back when created at a smaller size then the avi and do not look as good.
I also understand my computer can play back things in much better quality then a dvd player or tv, but even when I create an avi in a size of 1.5 GB's, play it as is on the computer it looks great. When burning it, playing back on the computer, the quality is definitely not as good. This is why I take the file created and without burning take it on my laptop and plug directly into a monitor or play it plugged into a projector capable of playing high res stuff. In the past when I needed a dvd for playback, I would take the file created by power director and put it into TMGE or similar program and after converting it again to a higher res and then burning it, would get a close to original file for playback. And this was a very old program which gave good results.
Other then this issue, power director has performed great.