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JVC Enverio camcorder issue
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Have an older JVC camcorder GZ-MG 130U and need to pull some files off the hard drive in the camcorder. At one point Cyberlink was working with JVC and hoping can get some help here. I need the Media Browser version 1 that will help my computer recognize the camcorder but cannot seem to find it anywhere. Yes I have gone to the Pizela site and when trying to get it there it just allows me to download the update for that version. Searched the web and cannot seem to find it anywhere and have not heard back as of yet from JVC for help.

Any help here appreciated

Mike Windows 7 64 bit, 16 mbs of memory, solid state raid hard drives, latest version of power director 16
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Hello Mike,

I'll transfer your post to the PDR16 forum where it will receive better attention.

Initial question:

When you connect your JVC GZ-MG 130U to your PC with a USB cable, then turn it on, is it recognised? Are you able to navigate to the camera's HDD? (if so, you should be able to transfer the video files to your PC)

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