I select with the yellow cursor the part I want to save as a new clip, I click on the Export Range button
Thank you so much for helping. I read about this in another thread and was looking in the menus for "ExportRange". When you commented to use the button, that was exactly what I needed.
I'm very happy that PowerDirector has this capability. It will save me a mountain of time.
I recently paid for PowerDirector 365. This is my second attempt to implement PowerDirector. Hoping the 365 edition and a new computer with dedicated graphics memory enables what I need to do.
I searched the forum and found methods to split my project into numerous clips, then delete everything except the clip I want to save, then save the remaining clip as a new project or export it. For a complex video project, that process will use a lot of time.
(Some explanation remove to focus on the question)
I hope there is a simple way to select a segment of a video, then save or export it as a file? If that capability does not exist, is there a plan to provide that capability?