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Saving a Clip or Selection using PowerDirector 365 (Answered)
BruceNew1 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2023 17:06 Messages: 2 Offline
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I recently paid for PowerDirector 365. This is my second attempt to implement PowerDirector. Hoping the 365 edition and a new computer with dedicated graphics memory enables what I need to do.

I searched the forum and found methods to split my project into numerous clips, then delete everything except the clip I want to save, then save the remaining clip as a new project or export it. For a complex video project, that process will use a lot of time.

(Some explanation remove to focus on the question)

I hope there is a simple way to select a segment of a video, then save or export it as a file? If that capability does not exist, is there a plan to provide that capability?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Aug 02. 2023 19:03

Senior Contributor Location: Home Joined: Apr 06, 2016 19:03 Messages: 703 Offline
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Quote I recently paid for PowerDirector 365. This is my second attempt to implement PowerDirector. Hoping the 365 edition and a new computer with dedicated graphics memory enables what I need to do.

I select with the yellow cursor the part I want to save as a new clip, I click on the Export Range button

To save a part of your project in another.
Save or update your main project.
Select the part with the yellow cursor, click the button, Copy.
Go to the File menu, choose New Project
Answer do not save project.
Above the timeline click on the button , Paste
Save new project.

One option, Save Pack Project Materials...
It packs all the material used in the project, this guarantees that in the future you won't need to look for something that was lost for some reason.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 02. 2023 19:07

BruceNew1 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2023 17:06 Messages: 2 Offline
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I select with the yellow cursor the part I want to save as a new clip, I click on the Export Range button

Thank you so much for helping. I read about this in another thread and was looking in the menus for "ExportRange". When you commented to use the button, that was exactly what I needed.

I'm very happy that PowerDirector has this capability. It will save me a mountain of time.
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