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It is hard to know what is going on without testing the actual video file, so I suggest you contact CyberLink Technical Support. You can contact them in either English or in Japanese, if that is your native language.

PowerDVD Moderator

it seems I can't upload files larger than 5 MB, I don't think I even need to upload the video because it was the same with every video I tested. it seems that if the subtitle is embedded in the video file, even if the subtitle format is .ass, PowerDVD changes the font, color and position of the subtitle based on the user's previous settings, and this messes up the display of the subtitle in the .ass format. But if the video file and the .ass subtitle file are separate, font, color and position settings will be disabled and the subtitle will be displayed correctly.

I just installed PowerDVD and I don't know if the problem is that I didn't understand the software settings or if this is a PowerDVD problem that is the same for everyone.
If the .ass subtitle is already embedded in the video file, it will be displayed incorrectly. But if I extract the subtitle from the video with a software and drag and drop it in PowerDVD after playing the video, the subtitle will be displayed without any problem.

Sorry for my bad English
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