You might try a double click initially on a video clip to bring up the Edit menu. Then a single click on other clips should work. I'd probably "Don't show again" with that warning.
Thanks, this works. You have to click "don't show again" first for this to work, though. I also found that clicking on a clip and then hitting the PageUp key jumped to the begining of the clip, which is useful if you want to jump to a clip without openeing the editor.
Previously, I could click on a clip and jump right to the begining of it. This is important to me because I make videos with lots of short clips and getting right to the start of a specific clip is helpful for editing quickly. However, now I get the following pop up when I click on a clip:
"The playhead will not automatically jump to a clip you select. You need to drag the playhead to the clip to start playback."
Basically, I want the "playhead" to automatically jump to a clip I select. Is there a way to do this in the new version?