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Update: Just checked that link and it goes to a link for 4617a from 2008... There's nothing newer? Also, my software came with my LG drive so it's an OEM copy not retail..... You know, for the cost of these drives they really shouldn't require separate software... like a standalone player... Especially when there's only like 3 pieces of software out there allowed by Sony to play BluRay.... *sigh*

Unfortunately the only thing my player wants me to do is upgrade to 9. It won't let me play any bluray disks atm. Ever since I tried to play Iron Man it has gone into the 'critical update required' click ok then repeat over and over loop.... SO I'm hoping that this new patch will kick start a proper update sequence... We'll see.
I have an OEM copy that came with my LG drive and it only wants to upgrade me to 9 for a price.... Where is everyone getting updates to 7.3 at?
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