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Hello, I am having a similar problem. I edited my video under the free trial, and when I went to produce it, as expected, there was a watermark. Because I wanted to remove the watermark, I then bought Powerdirector 365 for $20.

I uninstalled Power director, and then opened my project again. There was still a watermark on it, however, there was now an "x" next to it, implying I could now remove the watermark. Whenever I click the "x" to remove the watermark, it takes me to power directors main page to purchase the full version, even though I already have the full version.

I checked that I was signed in... I was. I verified that I had bought the correct version.. I have the correct version. At this point I'm not really sure what to do, any help is welcome, I had attached some images of what is happening.

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