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Trial version watermark removal
Mike Franklin
Newbie Location: Scottish Higlands Joined: Jan 11, 2014 11:12 Messages: 11 Offline
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I have now bought the full Power Director 12 software, however, prior to buying it I created a project that, naturally, had the trial version watermark on the first few seconds. Now I have the full paid up version (Ultra) but when I open the project I created with the trial version it still has the watermark and I can't seem to remove it.

Can anyone help? Please don't tell me I have to create a completely new project; much time has been spent on this one.
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: I have now bought the full Power Director 12 software, however, prior to buying it I created a project that, naturally, had the trial version watermark on the first few seconds. Now I have the full paid up version (Ultra) but when I open the project I created with the trial version it still has the watermark and I can't seem to remove it.

Can anyone help? Please don't tell me I have to create a completely new project; much time has been spent on this one.

In the Paid version, Clip the first 5 seconds of the video that was created with the Trial version OR if you have the original project files, that put the project file into the Paid version and Produce the video again.

The paid version does not put any watermarks.

Good reason to save your projects, so you can reproduce them.
All you need to do is open the PDS file you used with the Trial version.

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Quote: I have now bought the full Power Director 12 software, however, prior to buying it I created a project that, naturally, had the trial version watermark on the first few seconds. Now I have the full paid up version (Ultra) but when I open the project I created with the trial version it still has the watermark and I can't seem to remove it.

Can anyone help? Please don't tell me I have to create a completely new project; much time has been spent on this one.

Hi Mike Franklin,
I haven't used the trail so you can tell me if this is wrong.
1. Open the Project
2. On either side of the Track slider are two markers - expand to full project length.
3. Right Click on yellow shade area and Select Copy.
4. open New project
5. Right Click in Track and select Paste or Ctrl+V
6. Save the project as a NEW named pds file.

That should work.

If not, you should put a colorboard at the start for about 10 seconds and repeat what I have instructed after saving the project. I'm trying to circumvent the pds instruction to place an overlay at the start. If the overlay is random my instruction might still work.


[Thumb - SD-2013-02-445.png]
Copy track data
27 Kbytes
4981 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 17. 2014 10:02

Mike Franklin
Newbie Location: Scottish Higlands Joined: Jan 11, 2014 11:12 Messages: 11 Offline
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Thanks for that folks. I've got another project rendering at the moment so can't experiment for another half hour or so.

I did try removing the first clip (in the full version) but the watermark just shifted over to beginning the next clip! I would have expected the full version to simply remove the trial version watermark. Still possibly copying everything and then pasting into a new project will do it. I hope so as the video has probably 20+ clips all with different colour enhancements etc. So I really don't want to have to do it all again.

I suppose if push came to shove I could add a dummy clip at the front produce the video and then load that whole video into a new project and trim the dummy bit out of it. However that approach would men saving twice with a degradation of quality each time.

Ho hum, I'll give it a whirl when the current rendering is done.

Mike Franklin
Newbie Location: Scottish Higlands Joined: Jan 11, 2014 11:12 Messages: 11 Offline
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Sorted it now. Me being stupid!

Copying and pasting into a new project did not work. However I noticed that there was a text 'clip' lower down in the timeline view which wasn't visible until I scrolled down. This contained the trial version message and now I have the full version it could just be deleted; job done.

Now I have to re-render the movie which takes 5 1/2 hours on my machine (grrrr).
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Quote: Sorted it now. Me being stupid!

Copying and pasting into a new project did not work. However I noticed that there was a text 'clip' lower down in the timeline view which wasn't visible until I scrolled down. This contained the trial version message and now I have the full version it could just be deleted; job done.

Now I have to re-render the movie which takes 5 1/2 hours on my machine (grrrr).

Ha ha , so the trial overlay displays in the timeline - good to know.

If you'd inserted the colorboard at the start that might have worked too, the trial overlay would have been in the first section with the colorboard and you shouldn't have copied that as part of your project. Anyway all that was a guess.

Good to know and thanks for following up Mike.

Mike Franklin
Newbie Location: Scottish Higlands Joined: Jan 11, 2014 11:12 Messages: 11 Offline
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Yup it does appear in the timeline, though I presume it didn't in the trial version, or if it did it couldn't be removed. Not having the trial version any longer I'm not sure.

Still all sorted now and I didn't have to completely redo my project, thank the Lord!
Jakkalopex [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 11, 2021 15:16 Messages: 1 Offline
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Hello, I am having a similar problem. I edited my video under the free trial, and when I went to produce it, as expected, there was a watermark. Because I wanted to remove the watermark, I then bought Powerdirector 365 for $20.

I uninstalled Power director, and then opened my project again. There was still a watermark on it, however, there was now an "x" next to it, implying I could now remove the watermark. Whenever I click the "x" to remove the watermark, it takes me to power directors main page to purchase the full version, even though I already have the full version.

I checked that I was signed in... I was. I verified that I had bought the correct version.. I have the correct version. At this point I'm not really sure what to do, any help is welcome, I had attached some images of what is happening.

[Thumb - 11111111111111111111111111.JPG]
92 Kbytes
8 time(s)
[Thumb - Capture.JPG]
183 Kbytes
6 time(s)
[Thumb - 222222222222222.JPG]
51 Kbytes
7 time(s)
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Jakkalopex, it's a feature in the timeline, look to remove it there vs video preview.

Mike Franklin
Newbie Location: Scottish Higlands Joined: Jan 11, 2014 11:12 Messages: 11 Offline
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Quote Hello, I am having a similar problem. I edited my video under the free trial, and when I went to produce it, as expected, there was a watermark. Because I wanted to remove the watermark, I then bought Powerdirector 365 for $20.

I uninstalled Power director, and then opened my project again. There was still a watermark on it, however, there was now an "x" next to it, implying I could now remove the watermark. Whenever I click the "x" to remove the watermark, it takes me to power directors main page to purchase the full version, even though I already have the full version.

I checked that I was signed in... I was. I verified that I had bought the correct version.. I have the correct version. At this point I'm not really sure what to do, any help is welcome, I had attached some images of what is happening.


As JL_JL states the 'watermark' is actually a 'clip' that is overlaid using the timeline. However to see it you will need to scroll down in the timelines as it is placed lower down and out of sight on, I'd imagine, most monitors. This clip cannot, presumably, be removed in the trial version but in the full version it can.
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