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The logo is actually a single-color dark blue embroidery on a white jacket. I'm not sure that shade of blue appears anywhere else in the frame.

Your suggestion just might work!

I'm gone for the weekend, but will try that when I return.

I make a video. After shooting, I realized that there was a company logo on someone's jacket that I need to remove/obscure.

My first choice would be some method of frame-by-frame pixel-by-pixel editing, but I can't find any free video editing software to do this (and since I bought PowerDirector I don't want to have to buy another app just for this one feature).

My next choice was to use a PD7 PIP object to obscure it. However, this has two problems: (1) The logo moves around the screen, and it's very difficult with PD7 to match the motion of the PIP with the motion of the logo it's trying to obscure. (2) Even when I can solve #1, the end result looks fairly bad because it's essentially a single-color block that moves around the video.

Any suggestions? (Re-shooting the scenes is not an option.)


Thanks. The video was informative, but perhaps I asked the wrong question.

I made a video. After shooting, I realized I have a product placement issue: There's a company logo on someones jacket that I need to blur out. The jacket (and attached logo) move throughout the frame.

I used to be a video game programmer back in the mid-80's, and I'm pretty comfortable with pixel-by-pixel editing, so my first instinct was to simply edit the video frame by frame and change the pixels. No dice - PowerDirector doesn't seem to allow this, nor can I find any other software that lets me do this.

Next I thought I'd use a PIP object to cover the logo. However, trying to make a PIP object follow a semi-randomly-moving logo around the screen is proving to be quite difficult. When I finally succeeded in getting the motion correct, the end result still looked bad because it was essentially a mono-color block in the middle of my video.

Any suggestions on how to achieve my real goal: Removing a moving logo from a video?

That video does not exist any more. Still need help trying to match PIP motion with objects on the screen. Can anyone help?
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