I haven't used any of the Cyber products for a long time so I need to start at the beginning.With only this one task, I'm hoping someone will lead me through it rather than having dig into the documentation.
I have a video file that is named VTS_01_1.VOB that is huge (420,000 KB), I created this as I recall about 5 years ago. I need to "capture" a much shorter piece from near the end of the file. How do I do this such that the saved file may be uploaded to say a FB site or sent in EMail.? I have been able to use the Power2Go Viewer (13 I think).
Thanks for your patience and assistance.
Eric Johnson
How do people catalog the contents of a USB stick? Best I can think of is to number a stick and then build a text file that is associated with the number of the device. Then print the text file.
Eric Johnson
That function crashes on the P2Go11 on my pc. Don’t use that trial version. Use the working version in the MediaSuite you claim to have. The rip function I replied to in the last post works to put the mp3 files on the pc. You then copy them to the usb flash drive.
Unless someone has a copy of P2Go that does not crash to do what you try to do then you may want to contact Cyberlink support to report the error or bug as I don’t use that function. You could check that usb flash drive to see if those really are mp3 files or wait for someone else to respond.
I got a good copy that plays in the car. So, I immediately ordered the upgrade to Power2Go. They claim the 30 day version is a full version for the first 30 days after which it downgrades itself.
Once I remembered the correct way to remove the USB stick, it was smooth sailing.
Never mind. I forgot to dismount the ISB stick correctly. Went back and tried again with the proper removal of the stick and it woks just fine,
Do have a question. If the first CD copied doesn't use up the USB stick, what do I need to do to change the CD and press ahead?
My impression was that I needed Power2Go for the task of taking music from a CD and placing it on a USB stick. These will be used in a new auto that I purchased . . . 2021 Ford Explorer
I downloaded the trial version and installed it.
When I ran Power2Go I launched the demo version. Then I selected "Media Converter" and then "Audio CD to Mobile Device."
The CD player was recognized and launched. A graphic displayed the tracks as they copied from the source.
After what I thought was the transfer to the USB stick, the process ended.
Then I went to the car and plugged it in. There were some housekeeping chores (indexing and another step).
When I then tried to play the stick there was nothing there or at least nothing in the right format it seemed.
What did I do wrong?