Thank you so much. I really appreciate the help you've given me.
I went to https://directorzone.cyberlink.com/detail/177740933 and downloaded 242. I opened it up in Download File double clicked it and then opened PowerDirector and it's not there. The template is 16:9 and I have it on 16:9 and it's not in Download. I don't know why I was able to download the last one but not this one.
I just went to https://directorzone.cyberlink.com/detail/177739437 and downloaded Frame 976. It showed up in my Download Folder. I double clicked 976 and it showed up in PowerDirector.????? I don't know why, but I'm going to download some more and ess if it continues. Keeping my fingers crossed!!
Exactly which templates are you having trouble with? Have any showed up at all, or are just specific ones missing? They should show up immediately even when PD is open, but it's possible that you might have to close and re-open PD to see them.
If they still aren't visible, please post the URL from DirectorZone so that I and other forum members can take a more detailed look.
I have downloaded a few but when I would reopen PowerDirector they're gone except for one. When I download the templates I open PowerDirector and go to ALL CONTENT and then double click the FREE TEMPLATES. It's the blue box with the arrow. I then download to DOWNLOAD in File Explorer where I double click them to get them installed. The URL is:
That's a common newbie issue: the template is installed, but the project's aspect ratio doesn't match the one for the downloaded item. See this post for more details.
I failed to mention that I have also changed the aspect ratio and still no downloads.
When I go to Director Zone and download a template, I then go to Downloads and double click it. It then comes up with a message that says... The menu template was successfully installed and is now ready to use. It is available for Cyberlink PowerDirector, Cyberlink Power Producer. When I open PowerDirector it's not there. I've checked FX, Video Overlay, Particle Room,Title Room and Transition Room. If it's not in those places, is there anywhere else it could be? I'm brand new to this and I might be looking in the wrong place. I would appreciate any help.