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Quote Hi TominOH -

When you select your slideshow block in the timeline, you can click:

Slideshow - which allows you to start again. The photo order can be modified within each template in Slideshow creator.

Customise (for some templates)

(right click) Remove Slideshow Effects - which shows the individual photos. Re-order as you wish then select Slideshow & make sure you check "Timeline Order" when setting up your slideshow.

Cheers - Tony

Tony - Thanks for the reply. We must be doing something very wrong. I consider myself to be somewhat tech saavy but this program is not user friendly. The program is so easy to use initially once you're in the storyboard and organize your photos but once you create the video and save it, it becomes extremely difficult to make any quick modifications when you go back in. Is it just me?
Quote Are you trying to edit the slide show? You can't do it very easily !.

Open the project ; it is a " .pds " file and edit that. You should be able to open the project from PowerDirector or search for it on your computer and then right click to open with Power Director.

Thank you for the reply. I am able to open the file in Power Director but it's very hard to move photos around because it puts you in the Timeline edit mode. Ideally, I'd like to be able to go back in the photo slideshow mode where I can easily drag & drop photos around, then resave it again. The timeline edit mode is very complicated and hard to navigate. Is there a way to open the file back up and do all the edits in Slideshow mode (move photos, add music, add photos), then save again? That would be perfect!

I created and saved my first slideshow with photos and music. I want to go back in and edit the order of the photos but I can't figure out how to do it. When I import my project, the photos are all grouped together in the timeline. The individual pictures in the box above it are locked and cannot be rearranged. I'm guessing this is a simple fix but I've spent hours trying to find out what I'm doing wrong.. Can anyone PLEASE HELP with this? All I'm trying to do is edit an existing project of photos by rearranging the order of the slide presentation..

We are putting together a slide show for my son for his graduation and want to keep it very simple.

Thank you in advance,
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