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Thank you so much! Yes my connection is indeed a bit slow, only 2.3MB/s download, and mobile data is even worse here. The hotfix works perfectly, even with additional strain on the connection during a parallel download.
I'm still on Win 10 1909, but do indeed have an nVidia GPU, which are known to cause some problems with Cyberlink like random BSODs, aren't they? But this would be a rather strange thing to be affected by GPU incompatibility...
But I have to say, it's relieving that at least someone can reproduce it and that it's not an individual problem of mine. Thank you all for trying.
I hope that's enough, don't know if there's an ID number for this video or something...
But as I said, it's happened before with bundled downloads exceeding the 620MB limit (probably, only observed this very limit with the last one) as well, but the single videos one at the time worked well. I think this is just the first one I try that happens to exceed this "limit" on its own.
I'm very thankful for the new shutterstock feature, I can really use it. However, at a certain file size, the downloads just keep cancelling. Since they naturally take a while, I usually keep them in the background and do something else on the PC in the meantime, only to notice at coming back that the download window has disappeared and the videos have not been downloaded. So I tried only downloading one clip at the time, which sometimes worked, but sometimes it didn't. So I said, let's not watch YouTube or strain the connection otherwise during the download, but leave PD in the foreground and watch the exciting progress bar slowly fill itself... and I noticed that during the download of a 780MB clip at 620MB the download just stops, the window closes and that's it. Tried it multiple times and it always stops at the same point. Has anybody else got this issue? Is there a way to fix it?
Yes I know that it works all in one, but the nested project is what I thought would work the same way, too. Because my idea was to create a few naked countdown templates with different fonts and stylings, so I could then nest the right one for the background clips I'm going to receive. But yes, looks like I have to copy them into one single project then.
And looks like I must've been blind with the outline opacity... Thank you
I've made the font colour transparent and changed the effect opacity with keyframes so I could get rid of the colour boards. Unfortunately, this way I can't have an outline anymore, because there are no keyframes for the outline opacity.
But the tabs don't seem to work the way I thought: Even though the background is transparent, it's shown as black when inserted into another project. So that will be something for Cyberlink to improve upon.
What just came to my mind though: Now in PD17 the same would work without producing it, but by importing the project as a second tab in the timeline of a new project, wouldn't it? That way it could remain transparent.
Wow, that is time intensive. Thank you. But the problem with producing it is that the background is black and will have to be chroma-keyed out again, which is never quite clean. I think I'll just stick with what I've got now.
Well, we only use this font (CMG Sans) and Arson Pro in all of our designs, so I'd like to stick with those... and I wouldn't want to spend even more money now for this one project. I'm quite happy with how it turned out for now.
But I am indeed interested in your last option... How did you spread the effect over multiple titles?
Hmm I see, thanks. I was just hoping that I could have that easier, like keeping the minute digit steady, and the tens and ones digits separate as well, like so:
There I tried to keep it frozen with a snapshot, but I couldn't really make it look good. For now I've just gone for a starting effect on the 6:00 part and then a simple transparent text with a blurred outline without an effect for the rest of the countdown, also considering the readability on the background clips that I'm going to insert and that I have yet to receive and cut.
Anyway, thanks very much for your help!
The thing is, the special effects don't support keyframes. And yes, I've thought about the snapshot option, but chromakey will never be quite as clean with the neon effect. There will always be a darker edge around the text. I suppose I'll have to play a bit with for that then...
is there a way to have the special effects of a title (in my case the Neon effect) play at a certain speed and then freeze in the last position until the end of the title? Because the item I need it for is a minute long (I'm attempting to make a custom countdown video and figured the Neon effect would look great on that), but the effect would just stretch out over the entire minute, making it look very laggy. uses analytical cookies and other tracking technologies to offer you the best possible user experience. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy. For more information on cookies or changing your cookies settings, read CyberLink’s Cookie Policy.