I tend to use Adobe CS5 Falsh and export as a movie - gives great resolution, and has some good features, but it is a bit pricey
hi all- after much research I am forced to ask waht many will think is a silly question.
Powerdirector instructions, clearly state that you can customise a Title and save it for reuse-- My issue is I can't do this.
first my installation is on windows 7 (a core 7 machine) all fully patched - I use a network for my documents folder (NAS002\my documents\) My user profile is on the local C:drive and all video editing is on a local D drive (partition of the logical drive)
The program works really well and I am very happy with it, but I would like to be able to create my own templates and use them -
I have tried sharing with the power director site - nada -
the proces I have used is like this
Create a new title - add a graphic, add some text, click on save enter file name (say CT_custom) - the system goes away, and returns me to power director - no customised item.
A complete search of my computer, home network for any file name matches comes back empty... This is a tad frustrating and I am sure its a user fault, but damned if I know what I am doing wrong
Any help out htere please
PS I have worked through the example in hte manual for a custom particle effect, followed each step, and still nothing