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Also.... it may be simpler to skip Slideshow and go straight into single image Pan & Zoom by

Using ---> Magis Tools button at left side immediately above timeline
Select ---> Magic Motion -- set images for Pan & Zoom individually
(There's a Random option, plus an Apply To All button there as well)
Tony... Bingo!

It finally twigged when you asked about settings (my own computer Display settings, of course). These I usually keep altered to a 4:3 resolution to match my older 4:3-ish monitor. I hadn't thought that this would alter my VLC screen AND its relationship to playing vids captured in various resolutions. But of course it does.

And it IS called Screen Capture, after all. Duh! Which also means Display Capture (not to mention importance of what Display settings are used to playback with VLC, or whatever).

When I alter my screen res to mimick 16:9 ratio and play back likewise, I get no bars at top and bottom in VLC. It was all about my wacky 3:4 screen and display res.

Thanks so much for helping me figure it out!

Cheers and best wishes,
Oops... it didn't appear to upload the first time. I shortened the capture and tried again.
Hi Tony!

Of course you're right... ultimately the finished video has to meet site player requirements (I don't know what those are yet). But in the meantime -- while I'm learning -- screen capture tests (whatever aspect ratio or resolution I try) play on my VLC player with 1/3 inch black bars top and bottom. Other vids played with VLC fill the screen at least top to bottom. Don't they? All according to my recollection.

Attached is a brief screen capture just made (no sound). If you play it on your VLC you'll see what I mean with bars top and bottom. Does that seem normal to you? It's at highest res and 16:9 ratio.

Thanks for feedback!
Hi Tony!

Of course you're right... ultimately the finished video has to meet site player requirements (I don't know what those are yet). But in the meantime -- while I'm learning -- screen capture tests (whatever aspect ratio or resolution I try) play on my VLC player with 1/3 inch black bars top and bottom. Other vids played with VLC fill the screen at least top to bottom. Don't they? All according to my recollection.

Attached is a brief screen capture just made (no sound). If you play it on your VLC you'll see what I mean with bars top and bottom. Does that seem normal to you? It's at highest res and 16:9 ratio.

Thanks for feedback!
Thanks Myk....

But that's exactly what I was noticing: Increased width (by using Custom screen capture size) does NOT change the exact/consistent size of black bars top and bottom. I get a wider end result (which is good) but black bars top and bottom remain exactly the same.

This represents what I'm going to see via ANY default player, IMO -- YouTube, embedded website video, etc.

It's not the viewing on VLC that matters in particular, but the viewer's experience on whatever player ends up playing this thing. It's to be a walk-through instructional video embedded on a website.
Hello Experienced Ones!

When using Screen Capture in PwD the resulting video is somewhat small. There's almost 1/2 inch black bar at top and bottom when playing back in VLC player (for example). The biggest overall I can get is by using Custom screen size when recording. This at least gives me more width in finished product -- good -- but the top and bottom black bars remain the same, no matter what resolution or format.

Playback in PwD looks full screen top to bottom in review/edit/playback -- but that is not the case with external player -- and so final version.

Black bars at side are acceptable depending on screen capture width -- but why the big reduction top to bottom?

Any way to fix and/or enlarge this final capture product?

Thanks for any advice,
Okay. Well, I tested storing... and I guess I was dreaming to think it could/would do that.
The sent link is a download only. Useful nevertheless. But I was hoping for "viewing only" option for others. Oh well. Now I know.

Thanks again, mates!
Hi Tony and Stevek!
OK. Wha'd'ya know? I ended up UNconfusing it by Logging in/out/in, etc. via PDR (as you suggested Tony). Looks fine now.
Now... back to figure out what it can do. I can see the basics - shouldn't be a problem. But I see no INSTRUCTIONS in general.
Do we know how to create a LINK to a stored project (as advertised) so others can view but NOT DOWNLOAD?
--> OR is it simply a matter of copying the link of address bar from, say, main page of Cloud-stored project, and sending that to someone? Will that even work?

Thanks again T & S. You guys are great!
Hi Tony!
Oh. I never did it through PDR - only at the site as I wanted to read how it works and what's possible (haven't done any editing work yet). So it looks like I confused the system by "redeeming" under Manage My Subscription section at Member website first. Nice.
It shows "redeemed" in Members area but won't let me Log In to Cyberlink Cloud ("You Don't Have Cyberlink Cloud Yet"). Then says "already redeemed" when now trying to go thru the steps via Preferences in PDR; can go no further. Screwed, basically.
Customer Support ticket lodged.
Thanks so much for your help.... much appreciated!
Hi Stevek:
Yep, that's the one, the link I included. Doesn't work for me.
Posting to this forum proves I'm a Cyberlink member. Same Email and Password brings up a note saying, "You Don't Have Cyberlink Cloud Yet." However, my Manage My Subscription area says I do.
Hi There:
Since there doesn't seem to be a Cyberlink Cloud area, I'll post this here as a noob PowerDirector user.
...does not recognize my login even after I've joined Cyberlink as a member and "redeemed" my free 25GB of storage under Management. When I try to Log In using same email and password, it says I "don't have Cyberlink Cloud yet." (??)
Thanks for any help anyone,
Thanks Tony!
Now, if only I could get into Cyberlink Cloud which I'm supposed to have 25GB free storage with. Doesn't want to recognize me signing in - even though I've "redeemed" my 25GB under Management. And then maybe I could figure out how to use it to store and give project access to others via a link, without giving them downloading access to the work.
Hi Tony,
Thanks very much for the added info.
Part of what I was asking was: So is PhotoDirector (or other still photo software) ESSENTIAL to this process? PowerDirector cannot handle this by itself?
From the vids you pointed out, plus my own look at it -- it seems that PhotoDirector (or similar) IS essential.

Thanks again,
Hi there:
a. Is PhotoDirector the only way to create the 2.5D Parrelax Effect on a still shot or screen capture in PowerDirector? I see a lot like this is possible with the Animation/Motion and Content Aware editing functions already in PowerDirector.
b. Where are instructions on using Cyberlink Cloud? It won't let me sign in -- says I don't have it -- even though I've confirmed/redeemed my free 25GB use under Management.
c. How do you create a link for others to view a project in the Cloud without them being allowed to download it?

Thanks for any help, friends!

A noob learning PowerDirector,
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