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Hmm Babdi
Can't understand your preference for nVidia, perhaps I was unlucky with my own two PC's
See my posting here for a few details on my nVidia experience:

Be sure your new card has lots of Memory (512MB or more) and also make sure you get Support for its drivers and software coming along wth it.
I would recommend you to the product reviews on the Web, like Toms Hardware Guide:
Pick one having a good track record (performance etc.) AND having the functionality you want (PC Play centric, Video Editing usagec, etc.).
I have seen several referring to ATI as having good cards for Video capturing, for instance.

Have a nice New year
Hello Barbara
I was triggered by your mentioning of nVidia 3D controls in your message.
If you like myself are having a 'standard PC' bought from the shelf (like my two MedionPC's) with some sort of nVidia Video Card builtin, you are likely to have various sorts of Video problems. Just to mention a few from my own hard experienced ones (of especially my GeForce FX5200):
  • Systems Breakdowns (BSOD Blue Screen of Deaths) while working in ordinary desktop programs (like Word/Excel). System Exception STOP 9C

  • Problems in upgrading Video Drivers (4-in-1 and subsequent)

  • Bad Video playback quality on PC

  • The last one seems still to be my problem, even after a looong period of trying to find a solution, that now seems to have its root cause in nVidia drivers (incl. WDM for Video Capture).
    My experience was resolved by this version of nVidia drivers (to GeForce FX5200 and several of this family):
  • Obtain this (and only this !) ForceWare drivers:

  • Obtain this (and only this !) WDM (and WDM A/V Crossbar) drivers: 4.13_forceware_wdm.exe (do a search)

  • Obtain 'Driver Cleaner' free-/share-ware tool (search) and read its README.TXT for guidance on nVidia Driver upgrade - a 10 step procedure.

  • This worked for me , except that I still suffer from (really) bad Video playback, making it hard to determine quality issues with my Video material....
    Hope you can benefit from this feedback and Happy New Year too.
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