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I need some help or feedback.

After I purchased Power Director 6 I was able to make two videos and while attempting to make the 3rd I received this error code a0000005.

I have updated my firmware, installed the patch, and unitalled and reinstalled the program several times.

I have also removed every editing saftware from my computer with the exception of what came with it from Dell.

I have a XPSM140 with 120 gig (50 remaining) 1gig of ram, and I have made sure my works folder is empty. I have tried to butn just a file and a disk but no matter what I keep getting this error.

However, today I was able to burn a six minute video onto a disk. I have also remade the one video project i need the most several times and still no luck. I am now getting the error code again. The file type I am importing is an avi from my Fuji digital camera sd card.

Customer service has been responsive but does not seem to be able to provide a solution.

If anyone has had any luck with solutions please let me know. My OS is Windows xp media edition 2003. Thanks

Mark Cukro

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