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Dafydd, FredB

Thanks for your responses.
I guess i'm trying to make a point that if my computer is good enough for PD11,
shouldn't it be good enough to handle PD12?
Maybe PD12 has special requirements that PD11 doesn't have to have.

Could i ask you both this question?
Which one has faster rendering times for you?

Thanks for your response.


Thanks for your responses. I really believe that you think it is my computer, not PD12.
I have already voiced my concerns to Cyberlink support.
Meanwhile, i will be waiting for Cyberlink's future patches to speed up rendering.
You are right, the forum cant solve my problem, because i do believe the problem is PD12.
If enough of us complain, maybe Cyberlink will get the message.
I'm not the only one complaining about slow rendering.

Best regards,

I think that I gave you sufficent information regarding PD12's performance.
I know that the developers of PD12 would prefer to blame the slower performance
on our computers. But I believe that PD12 could be more the problem than my
computer. I would like Cyberlink to fix PD12 to at least match P11 on my present
computer without me having to buy the latest and fastest computer.
My use is mainly processing camcorder movies under one hour and usually less than 3000 mb.
PD12 takes twice the time than PD11.
Also PD12 uses over 5 gb of space compared to 4 gb that PD11 uses.

Thanks for your response

Without going into computer diaganostics, I will use PD11 as an example of a sleek, fast program.
I have used PD11 for around a year and have been very pleased with it.
I thought i would try PD12, since I have had good results with PD9 and PD11 and since it was
advertised as faster.
PD 12's rendering is very slow compared to PD11.
Same computer, same hardware, same everything.
Maybe Cyberlink will come up with a patch to speed up the rendering.

Thanks for your response.
I've used PD9 and PD11. Upgraded to PD12 and was very disappointed in rendering speed. My main use is processing videos from my camcorder. Maybe we will get a patch to speed up the rendering speed.
I'm a long time user of PD
Yes, I am disappointed with PD12 also. It is definitely slower than PD11. I am thinking about going back to PD11.
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