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Thanks to you both! I never thought of using the [Home] & [End] keys to jump to beginning & end.

Appreciate the quick responce.

Edit: I would have liked it to be able to just R-Clk on clip, and have a pop up selection, to adj the entire clip volume.
Adjusting the complete clip volume is something I do often.
Is there a fast way to adjust the volume for an entire video clip all at once?

I can do it by ...
Selecting the video clip
Hold shift key down
Place cursor on audio line in the clip, until the cursor turns into a double arrow.
And.. drag up or down with the mouse.

This will make the complete audio volume go up or down at same amount for the entire clip.
This is kind of difficult to get precise settings.

I'm look ing for a way to do the same thing by typing in a db number, and haver it effect the entire clip at once.

Any other method seems to make the volume adjust in the spot where the cursor is placed. Requiring me to make more than one cursor position to get the entire clip adjusted.
Quote Hi Tony

Well, its onwards and upwards while the old brain can still absorb a few things still, I seem to have a vertical learning curve!

So, success at last! Armed with the above snapshots, I could see what should be happening but wasn't. The manual said, but I may have missed the important part, that I should drag the transition onto the join of two clips (words to that effect) but I didn't see anything about expanding the timeline. So, all I was getting was the 'open hand', nothing else, but expanding the timeline 'enabled' the views you show above (or similar). So simple really, but if it didn't say that in the manual then maybe it should have! I'm quite happy to say that I may well have missed it so it would be nice to know if something about expanding the timeline before adding transitions was in the manual.

As I used to write technical manuals many years ago I was expecting to be told what to do in a 'noddy guide' way, because everyone learns at a different pace so the more explanation given, the easier it is for tyros like me!

Thanks again Tony, for your help. Sadly, it may not be the last time I need help though. ;(

I also did some tech writing in the past. ( I consider myself a novis in that field. ) I used to try and put myself in the shoes of the people using the machines, NOT the technical individual that knows every little thing about the design of the item in question.
Most manuals today seem to asume the person using the device, already knows most everything. BAD !!

I recently tried to learn about flying drones. Almost all online videos, or manuals showed outdated images, or were filmed so fast, and talking so fast, it was impossible to follow the person making the video.

And yes, some of us are older! So what? The challange is still worth the effort.
I picked a different spot for my (white-box) target. I made the box quite small, and it was on a " black wheel-Hub" that was surrounded with a larger orange background color. It tracked quite good.

Then I created a larger (blue-box) over the subject I wanted to follow, and blur.

The result was better. I quess the first target should be higher contrast to it's surroundings. I was selecting a larger target that stood out from the overall screen. The follow would move around on the larger target, making my second (blur) target go off track.

Things worked better this way. I'll try other sceens to practice. I have more fath in the Motion Tracker now.

I can see how problems can be had with objects mixed in with similar backgrounds.

Thanks everyone!

That's correct. The tool is now giving you the opportunity to make any necessary/wanted adjustments one frame at a time. It may actually be easier to cut the tracker just before it "goes off the rails" and manually track it for a few frames, then see if it will track from that point on.

That can be especially useful if something else comes into the tracking box and PD confuses it with the original object being tracked.

Thanks! Appreciate the help.
Motion Tracker doesn't really seem to "track" very well. (Not like in their video!) My object is moving really slow, and is of good contrast to background. The tracking just drifts off target as the object moves across the screen.
I can't help but think it will be of no use with an object moving with any speed, greater than a walk.

I'll probably not be able to use it for much other than blocking a licence plate, or such.
Quote For the tracking issue, please take a look at this guide which shows where the frame-by-frame tool is. Even though that example is with a 360 degree clip, the process is the same, and that will let you exactly correct the tracking problem.

For your second question, the white marker is always the tracker, and the blue marker is always the tracking object (text, image or effect). Your job is to set the blue object's size and location relative to the tracker. You can have them directly on top of each other, or offset in any direction, and the tracking object will always retain its relative position to the tracker.

Note that at any point during the tracking run, you can manually move the tracking object to a new relative position, and it will then track from there for the rest of the run.

When I try clicking on the "frame-by-frame" button, I don't see anything happen. Does it just sequence the video forward, one frame each push? Or does something else have to be done?
I have trouble getting my selection box ( White corner tags ) to follow the target through it's range.
It will lag, and go off target.
Making the box smaller just makes it worse. Making box real large helps some, but will still loose the target.

I'm using Blur, and Inverse to highlight a person on a moving ATV going from right of screen & slight distance away - to - left side of screen, and slightly closer. The movement on screen is real slow. ( Walking speed )

The box just follows a short time, then starts to lag, and go off target completly.

Secondly: There are 2 selection boxes. One with white tags, and another with blue tags. I can adjust size & position both.
I can't find anything about them in the "Motion Tracker" help .
I'd like to know how they are supposed to be adjusted, and just what each one does?

Quote I find the option to right-click the image or video and use enable FADE in FADE out. Very reliable.

Thank you for educating me on another way to do fades to black. I never tried that. Works so much better than my normal method.
Powerdirector has several ways to do many of it's functions, and the FADE is one of those examples. I prefer avoiding true transitions if I can easily do something similar without them due to PD transitions being so quirky at times. Very often the transitions are applied to everything in "above" tracks rather than applied only to the object you planted it on.

You mention transitions being quirky. If a lot of transitions are used in a video, could that increase the possibility of a lag, or temporary stopping of the video in editing-playback? Especially if editing is being done on a slower computer.

As far as fade to black, I have an all black jpg file that I insert before, or after the point I want to fade from/to.
Example: At end of video, I add the black image seperated by a fade transition. By adjusting length of black image, and fade, the "fade-to-black" can be made as slow as desired.
Quote I enjoyed watching your 14 year old slideshow. You have captured and restored it very well. The original was in the 4:3 aspect ratio but it is showing in 16:9 on YouTube.

Bandicam is used by some users here for screen recording. You know what to do now if the same situation should arise again.

You now have the tools to capture, fix, and restore old videos. Thanks for sharing. Love the music.

Thanks! My tastes in music have evolved since then. I try to incorporate music to fit the video content.
Check it out here...
Quote Loren C - Thank you for your detailed explanation. I am curious and may want to know if this can happen to me or still other users of PowerDirector. Please give us the name and version of the screen recorder that you suspect cause this custom title problem.

The Screen Recorder is Bandicam Screen Recorder
I can't be absolutly sure it caused this problem, but it's the only thing I did.
I suppose I could try a test, and install it again to see if this happens again. NAW ! Don't think I will!

I only installed it because I had some old CD's of vacations. I had trouble getting them to convert to digital format.
I could only play one CD on my computer. I started playing the slide show, and recorded the screen. It worked out great, I was able to get the show in *.avi format. I then created a YouTube version using Power Director. ( That's when my troubles began.)
FWIW It's on my YouTube video page...

Again I really appreciate all the help you all have given.

Merry Christmas to all.

Thanks to you all for helping me. I hope I solved my issue. Time will tell.

Here's what I did.
As suggested, I renamed all Title_xxx folders from PD11 and pasted them into PD17. Making sure I did not use any folder names that were already in PD17

At first I didn't think it worked. To complecate this issue, I had installed a screen recorder software and suspected it may be causing this. I had uninstalled it, and did a system restore to before it was installed the first time. My problem went away.
Not sure which solved the issue. ( Sys.Restore, or uninstall the program. )

My Pwr. Dir. was working OK, so I tried to re-install the screen recorder again. Pwr. Dir. still worked ok just after that, so I left it installed. (I did do some screen recording just to test it out.)

Later Pwr. Dir failed again. This time, after performing the copy & renaming of Title_xxx folders, I uninstalled the screen recorder, and re-did my system restore. Pwr. Dir is ok again. I'll not install the screen recorder, and see if Pwr. Dir remains fixed.

BTW: When I copied, and renamed the Title_xxx folders, I had duplicate title templates in the Title room.
I went in and selected the duplicates... R-Clk'd and sel'd [Delete (Only for custom/downloaded]
This cleaned all duplicates. Not sure if that removes them in the My Titles folders?

So far I have my custom title templates back.

I send my appreciation to you all, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Good health to you all.


Yes. I mostly wanted to make sure the titles were present.

You can try copying the 11.0\MyTitles titles to the 17.0\MyTitles folder, and choose to keep both. Then just rename the 11.0 ones so they match the Titel_xxx format and start PD17 again to see if the older titles appear.

Thanks optodata: The folders in PD11 & PD17, some have same file name, but a different number of files contained within the folder.
PD11 tends to have more files than PD17 does. Some have the same name in each PD version.

Example: PD11 folder has a sub folder "Char Template" whereas PD17 does NOT have a folder of this name.

PD11............................................. PD17
Title_000 has 53 files.............Title_000 has 5 files
Title_002..........28 ....................Title_001............5

Should I (for example) copy PD11 file "Title_000" to PD17 and overwrite the PD17 file of same name?
or should I rename it to a file not listed in PD17 folder?
Quote You may want to check the contents of the custom title folders. Look in My Documents and you should see a CyberLink folder with a PowerDirector sub-folder. Double click on that and you should see several PD version folders, going back many versions, like this:

Each version folder will have a MyTitles sub-folder, and in there you'll find a folder for every custom title you've created in that version of PD, like this:

I do have both PD11 & PD17 folders listed in the above directory. They do have different sub-folders & files in each. PD 11 has more sub-folders.

Not sure what to do with this information? Can I just copy the sub folders from PD11 into PD17 ?
Quote Trying to narrow it down as to when those custom templates disappeared. Did they disappear only after you uninstalled PD11? Or after installing an update patch? Or did you try to tidy up windows using a windows utility or remove the old folders yourself? That is the information we need.

I did install a program, but after experiencing this issue, I did a system restore to just before installing it.
Quote I am assuming that you created them in PD11. Do you still have PD11 installed in the same pc? Try this: Go to the Title room/Custom and you see all the custom templates you made in PD11.

Appreciate the answer.
I do not have PD 11 still installed. However, I do have these custom templates showing in at least 4 new videos created after installing PD17.

I just do not know how to get them showing in this current video, I'm working on.
I had several custom title templates that I use all the time. Somhow they do not show up anymore when I access the title room.
I can open some previousely created videos, and they show in the title room there.
Some previous videos do not show them, some do show.

Any idea why these title templates don't show when I create a new video?
They've always been available before.
Quote Check in Preferecias, General if not check, enable shadow files.
I do not remember in PD11 as it was.

In PD16 when adding the videos in the library, a yellow logo appears in each video, after all turns green, the edit should be smooth in the timeline.

Thanks for suggestions!

In PD-11 under [Preferences] [General] the "Enable HD Video Processing. (Shadow File)" is checked.

When I import a video into the [Media Room] (Libary) there are NO icons showing. Just the box indicating the presence of the video.
Currently running Power Director 11, and Windows 7

When I edit videos 1080, or above, my video flow hesitates. 1080 isn't to bad, but 2.7k, ans 4K are really bad.
All other editing functions perform great. It's just when playing the video, while editing, or previewing, that the flow will hesitate.
Then it will catch up and be ok for a while.

Seems to be related to transition points when this happens. Not always!

When I render, and produce a 1080, 2.7K or 4K (*.mp4) video, and play it on my VLC Media Player, it plays great. No hesitation at all.
It's just while editing this happens.

Would a later version edit higher resolution videos better?
If so, which newer version is considered to be most reliable? I really don't need a lot of newer fancy stuff packed into the newer versions. I'm happywith the features in PD11
I'm running Power Director !! V-
Currently I edit 1080 videos from my GoPro Hero-2 camera.

I'm getting a new camera that records 4K video. Is this older PD-11 software capable of editing 4K video ?

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