Jeff, thank you so much for that detailed answer. I think I'm getting it now. So to paraphrase, if I'm understanding correctly, I animate at 29.97 fps, and leave the drop frame option on. I wonder why in the world does PD say 30 fps in the general preferences if it's actually 29.97? Thats bunk. One concern, I'm running PD11, and you wrote "I've noticed The above does not exactly match for instance PD11, I guess one could say, constantly improving!" So do you know is there something extra I should be aware of because I'm running 11?
What was your video format when initially imported into PD? I haven't had problems with video whether 30 or 29.97. My concern is using a series of PNG files in slideshow 1 frame per image. if my animation was done to audio at 30fps and PD is rendering at 29.97, the audio will come out of sunc through the duration. So the question basically boils down to this: should I animate to my audio at 29.97 or 30 to be optimized in PD?
In my project I am importing an animation in a series of PNG images. The only way I know how to do this in powerdirector is by creating a slideshow with each PNG lasting one frame. Now, I have been animating at 29.97 fps. However, in the preferences menu it only has TV format NTSC 30 fps to select (no option for 29.97 fps). When powerdirector renders this, is it truly 30fps or is it actually 29.97? The reason I ask is that if I import an animation animated at 30 fps already compressed in a .MOV format, Powerdirector gives me an alert that says there is a conflict of frame rate and that it recommends I use 29.97. I'm so confused. This is important, because I need to know if I should continue to animate at 29.97 or 30 fps so that the audio doesn't mismatch the visual.
Please help!!
Thank you