What was your video format when initially imported into PD? I haven't had problems with video whether 30 or 29.97. My concern is using a series of PNG files in slideshow 1 frame per image. if my animation was done to audio at 30fps and PD is rendering at 29.97, the audio will come out of sunc through the duration. So the question basically boils down to this: should I animate to my audio at 29.97 or 30 to be optimized in PD?
In preferences if you set NTSC (30 FPS) the timeline is 29.97fps. You would want to create your animations at 29.97fps and when you "Produce" with a NTSC profile, your output is 29.97FPS. The drop frame timecode does not change the basic FPS. A basic article explaining drop frame timecode is here,
http://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true That's why regardless of how you set it in PD, if you drop a true 30FPS video in the timeline PD will throw up a warning and rightfully so. Many say ignore, however, that can lead to significant issues for those that care about timing or artificially added or dropped frames to make up proper framerate. To prove it to yourself, create a custom H.264 "Produce" profile in PD and set video FPS to 30 and then input and drop on timeline. If you have not turned off the warning you will get the caution.
jmone posted a good 30fps pinwheel that works good for testing,
If you duplicate the 30 frames in the PD timeline for a total of 2040 frames each with a 1 frame duration, at 29.97FPS, you have 2040/29.97=68.068seconds or 68seconds and 2 frames of exact time. If using drop frame timecode, your timeline will be 01;08;02 long, non drop frame would be 2040/30=68seconds even, 01:08:00. ONLY the time indicator is adjusted, not the actual framerate or timeline frames. PD uses ";" timecode delimiter for drop frame and ":" for non drop frame.
I created a true 30FPS video with a custom profile of the 2040 frames of the pinwheel to drop in the timeline of my NTSC (30 FPS) pref setting. I also produced a default NTSC 29.97FPS file. Yes I get the warning about FPS mismatch for the true 30FPS file but not the 29.97FPS file. Additionally, since the output was 30FPS vs my timeline pref setting of 29.97 FPS, PD needed to add the 2 frames someplace since at 30FPS it's too fast by 2 frames. It added one frame right at the beginning as shown in the attached pic. By the second frame, the 30FPS produced file already lags the desired pinwheel frame by 1 frame. The 29.97FPS produced file and the original background pinwheel match frames.
I've noticed each major release of PD does something a little different in this regard. The above does not exactly match for instance PD11, I guess one could say, constantly improving!
If you really want 30FPS, you would probably have to play with the 60FPS pref setting.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 02. 2014 01:07