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Well from all this I learned TMT6 is a a pretty good alternative. Certainly less bloated and lacking in so called "features" like moovielive that never seem to go away even when you disabled them.

CS001241959 <- Filed a few days ago, not seriously expecting a reply any more.

Already uninstalled PowerDVD 11 (surprisingly difficult to purge from windows) and will be using products from other companies from here on.

If anyone does make the mistake of buying PowerDVD 12 they'll just find its actually a time locked piece of crippleware that's only usable until they make version 13.
This is pretty much comically bad.

No I won't be updating to PowerDVD 12, which I'm sure works perfectly fine.

Yes I do expect this to be fixed sooner rather than later.

Yes I will be using a competitor's product from now on.

Oh yeah, if we're counting these here's my ticket CS001241959
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