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Boy, Cyberlink's Tech Support is really disappointing. Take a look at their response to my request for help with glitchy video reverse in PD14 - they offer suggestions for improving AUDIO! This is "support"??!? Any FORUM readers have any suggestions for my problem? Thanks, --David


My Inquiry Information
•Ticket ID: CS001559869
•Related Product: PowerDirector
Subject: Power Director 14 Video Reverse is full of glitches
2016/01/03 07:46

•You have one reply from the CyberLink Customer Support Team, at 2016/01/03 02:24

Subject: Power Director 14 Video Reverse is full of glitches

2016/01/02 20:20

1. This site won't let me upload a .txt DxDiag file!
2. Even when I isolate just a 10 sec. video without any sound, and try to use Video Reverse and produce it by itself, I get a half dozen or more black screen flashes - making the clip unusable.


Customer Support Response 2016/01/03 02:24

Dear David ,

Thank you for contacting Cyberlink Technical Support.

I understand that you are facing no sound problem after producing video with PowerDirector 14....

I'm having similar troubles - trying to video reverse a 10-sec clip, but it consistently renders with a half dozen to 10 or more black flashing glitches. Even when I remove the clip from my full hour-long video & try to reverse video it all alone on an empty track in a different file, same thing happens. With or without SVRT off in production. Very annoying. (Windows 7 Quadcore machine, PD14 Ultra, fully updated). Any suggestions?
I would have attached a DxDiag report, but couldn't figure out how or where this is done! The only button on my screen is "Submit"... -- and that's without using "Quick Reply".
I've had the identical problem as Andrew - PowerDirector 14 (Windows 7 Quadcore machine) produces Reverse Video with numerous black screen glitches. On a single 10 sec clip - with NO other clips in the entire Library or on any tracks - I get between 6 and 10 such breaks in what is produced. This occurs whether I use SVRT or not.
Is this feature generally unusable? I've lost hours on it. Thanks!
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