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Quote: Well I suppose I'm the next company to keep it real then.
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Forum Moderator

I will find something else and do my best to make sure as many people as possible stay away....ta..ta.
Quote: Yes, I understand that you think it isn't your one ever does. Why would we think it was anything other than the program? PD10 and PD9 should not be compared.

We ask for the items I requested for a reason. But, without a starting point, I am afraid you will not get the specific answers you seek. Others will come in and offer the standard advice, but I can not help further without tools!

SIGH! wait for the next company to keep it real.
loading is fine....its when I go to edit video, it takes 12/15 second for it to function and move on....making it totally unusable as program....I dont do a lot of neat tricks I just want to edit my video and somewhat quickly. I did it fine in it isnt my machine.
When I go to split the video their is this pause that was not their in v.9 Almost everything about this version SLOOOOOW.
This is horrendous. any help would be appreciated. downloaded all the patches i see available.
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