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Editing is horrendously slow in 10
sard7728 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2012 10:31 Messages: 4 Offline
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This is horrendous. any help would be appreciated. downloaded all the patches i see available.
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Did you feed the hampster running the wheel that powers your laptop?

OR to say that another way:

We can't SEE your machine nor do we know anything about what EXACT process is slowing you down. I suggest you provide the editors here with some BASIC information to help you.
1. Follow the link below and provide AT LEAST Part A and Part B

2. Provide a description of the files, transitions, effects, output format, etc.

3. At least provide a screenshot of the PD10 workspace on your project.

You have to give us a starting point if you want an asnwer. I apologize for my interruption if you are only venting your offense meant!
sard7728 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2012 10:31 Messages: 4 Offline
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loading is fine....its when I go to edit video, it takes 12/15 second for it to function and move on....making it totally unusable as program....I dont do a lot of neat tricks I just want to edit my video and somewhat quickly. I did it fine in it isnt my machine.
When I go to split the video their is this pause that was not their in v.9 Almost everything about this version SLOOOOOW.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 09. 2012 11:28

[Post New]
Yes, I understand that you think it isn't your one ever does. Why would we think it was anything other than the program? PD10 and PD9 should not be compared.

We ask for the items I requested for a reason. But, without a starting point, I am afraid you will not get the specific answers you seek. Others will come in and offer the standard advice, but I can not help further without tools!
sard7728 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2012 10:31 Messages: 4 Offline
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Quote: Yes, I understand that you think it isn't your one ever does. Why would we think it was anything other than the program? PD10 and PD9 should not be compared.

We ask for the items I requested for a reason. But, without a starting point, I am afraid you will not get the specific answers you seek. Others will come in and offer the standard advice, but I can not help further without tools!

SIGH! wait for the next company to keep it real.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Well I suppose I'm the next company to keep it real then.
Please read:
Forum Moderator
sard7728 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2012 10:31 Messages: 4 Offline
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Quote: Well I suppose I'm the next company to keep it real then.
Please read:
Forum Moderator

I will find something else and do my best to make sure as many people as possible stay away....ta..ta.
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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It is real !

Why do you not want to provide the information requested? Did you look at the link that FredB posted to tell you how to provide the information?

Did you change the setting on or did you change your anti-virus. Some setting on the anti-virus make that program scan everything being written to a hard drive (like just starting a new project) and that slows everything down.

What else do you have running when you are editing? Please don't say nothing that you don't have anything that was running before.

When was the last time you did any maintenance on your computer - delete unused program, delete junk files and most importantly defrag the hard drive where you are working and where you have the video stored. Are you using an external drive to store the videos?

Once we get those basics out of the way, then we can look at the basics of actually running the program. Any other way would be fruitless.

Edit: The OP last post when I was making this (apparently) last post. I guess I have a question about why some one would ask for help and then not provide any kind of easily generated answers. Oh well, perhaps this was just a simple rant and the person didn't really want any help. Or perhaps the poster wanted us to volunteer to visit him in his home so we could fix it for him.

I have no issues with the program being slow.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 09. 2012 11:58

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
[Post New]
Quote: loading is fine....its when I go to edit video, it takes 12/15 second for it to function and move on....making it totally unusable as program....I dont do a lot of neat tricks I just want to edit my video and somewhat quickly. I did it fine in it isnt my machine.
When I go to split the video their is this pause that was not their in v.9 Almost everything about this version SLOOOOOW.

Since your not willing to provide the info to help you,I can only guess that it's most likely due to beta drivers for the video card.
Try using the official drivers from AMD or Nvidia cause I cant know what your using.
Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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If posters like this could just understand his post is like he rang his mechanic over the phone and said "My car is making weird noises, what is causing this?"

THEN saying nothing else about his car, type of noise, where it is coming from and getting mad at the mechanic because he can't tell him what is wrong with his car.

We are volunteers trying to help people but we are not psychics. My youtube channel====>
Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Well looking at your computer specs I think it is your system..drivers outdated...processor to old...screen finger print all over...minimum memory installed...are you using Vtech InoPad?
JIm Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Your choice whether you want to know whats going on or not.

But I do have to say ... the person with a question DOES NOT need a smart ass comment thrown at them on their first question. Which seems to be happening more and more....

They do not need crap from someone when they have a question no matter how stupid we (as in the so called experts) think is is.... And you guys wonder why you don't see the real (not me) experts in here as much as you used to....

However when the time comes and the person with the question gets wild with their replies.... then they are fair game....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 14. 2012 12:26

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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I refer you to the OP posts in this thread (Keep it Real) and the other posts that asked for information. The OP chose not to supply that information. We don't know why.

The first reply was perhaps a little flippant but no harm was meant. The remaining replies were not; there were serious attempts to get information and to try to help the OP.

Too many posters think this is Tech Support and we HAVE to be totally professional. Let's face it what do you think that car mechanic would have said and done? Perhaps, make a joke and ask for more information.

The heat and humidity is getting to me and ...

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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The first reply was perhaps a little flippant but no harm was meant

None the less harm is still done............... __________________________________________
Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

[Post New]
Hey Bubba..lighten up..I was the first responder, and I can tell you my little "nudge" was meant to gather more information (from FIRST TIME poster sard7728 ) and to humanize the conversation.

If you re-read the post, you will see that this was a genuine attempt to help a PD user, who immediately responded with a tone that made it clear he was not participating in the solution and just wanted to blame something. And I WAS KEEPING IT REAL, just as sard7728 requested.

Just Lighten UP!!!

I think this post should be LOCKED before more negativity occurs (and because it is YOU who is doing the harm!!!! ) In my humble opinion...and STOP SCREAMING AT ME!!!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Aug 14. 2012 09:53

Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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I do/did/know/appreciate the fact that yes all anyone wants to do in here is help out. You also cant help the un-helpable (if that is a real word) or those that wont take help or listen.

Was not screaming This is screaming... The other just makes it easier for me to read on this damn laptop I am having to use right now.....
This thread does not need to be locked because I am sure I am done..... more ways than one...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 14. 2012 10:14

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

[Post New]
I apologize for drawing attention to your need for large text. It is just that (to me) the example you gave of screaming, looks remarkably like the type font of the response. I will try to be sensitive to the difference, if I can.

Quote: "when the time comes and the person with the question gets wild with their replies.... then they are fair game...."

I guess we will have to wait for you to tell us when it is time. But, having seen many response threads, I could see that the user was not seriously looking for help, just venting...I guess they set off my background noise detector.
236 Kbytes
350 time(s)
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Fred... and you are correct on the venting... One of the best examples of when to go into fair game mode if you can recall was with dickyflyfisherman early last year. That's when it is time I think..... probably.... I don't recall the name of the other one that did not like being advised on what to do who PM'd me with several "F Y" messages.... but those those threads were deleted by the moderator before some in here could get wound up in their responses.....

He was the last great fair game I remember.

Also I will make smaller the font for you Fred.... still not yelling... that would be all caps too I think... I will be glad when we finish this move so I will have my desktop back.... besides... why would anyone care what I say. I am just an old fat fart..... I don't even care what I say....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 14. 2012 12:28

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

[Post New]
The best way to remain balanced is to value your own opinion no higher that that of others, so you are taking the right tactic. I try to learn from those opinions.

PAPASMURF..or something similar, was the example you mentioned maybe....anyway, I try to help when I can...or when I sense that those who DO participate may be tired of asking for DXDIAG and version information....over and over......just to give the "dedicated ones" here a little break.

I am "gruffer" than most here I know (the avatar is a cautionary tip), and I have been known to jump to conclusions. I apologize if I did so in your case.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 14. 2012 13:08

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