Hi Lin52
Check in preferences, Editing, Set defalt insert project behavior, if the option selected, As Nested Project
You must choose, As Expanded Project
Here it worked in the past.
Thank you, exactly what I was looking for. I can now see and access all the original tracks.
I haven't seen that, but if they're truly merged into a single clip all you need to do is right-click on the clip(s) on the merged track and choose Link/Unlink Video and Audio.
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, just separating the video and audio components doesn't solve the issue. I typically use 3 to 4 different track in the videos I produce. The original video capture with it's soundtrack, titles, narration (usually background music or sound effects) and sometimes fx. With the merged track I cannot access titles separately from the original video capture and the narration separately from the original soundtrack. I need to be able to access all the original tracks separately so each can be individually changed or replaced.
I liked this modification, now I can work with only 2 tracks for simple editing.
Any track can be named, see image.
You can add a new track for, video (text. image), audio (music, voice) and Effect.
Project attachment that adds time line as shown in the image.
Advantage of using few track’s, it facilitates for simple edits and increases the preview window.
Thank you for your reply, but that's not the concern I have. Under the previous format I typically used 3 or 4 tracks to add different components to the videos I produced. What has happened now is that where the original project was spread over the 3 or 4 tracks used I'm now presented with a single merged track which means that I cannot access the original individual tracks to make the changes I now need.
I've regularly used the Title and Narration tracks in my video projects, but when I reload a project created before the update I'm presented with a single merged track. Is there any way to separate out the Title and Narration tracks so they can be edited or deleted?