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yah, i wish that rather than an update to an existing owned powerdvd, they would let existing registered customer download the new full version at the updte price. gets annoying to reinstall through several versions. Err and an actual unistaller would be nice. I guess the "cleaner" software works, but it would be nice to have an actual uninstaller. or , at least there have never been any in my installations.
tested aginst powerdvd 9 and 10 ultra. doesn't work. however, i get a error PowerDVD cannot access the storage device. Select another ... blah blah blah. a patch update popped up the first time i installed it. he patch made it so i couldnt play anything. reinstalled, still no play for xmen but other stuff played. although it didnt offer the update/patct that time. Wonder if cyberlink found an error in the update or maybe my computers registration for some reason told the app that it was already installed. anyway it offered not update for powerdvd 10 ultra after the reinstall. But still no xmen firstclass, sob sob.

anyone have any luck burning the dvd's to the hard drive and playing them through power dvd using apps like alcohol?
just curious, im anxious to see it
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