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Yeap. This is exactly it !!!!!!! And the patch doesn't help at all cry Any ideas ?

I did exactly what you told me and ... yes those are the numbers ... but it is still not working frown
Quote I just tried this in PD17, which is no longer able to upload directly to YT. I assume this is the message you're seeing:

If that's the case, I think that either the patch you downloaded wasn't correct or it wasn't applied properly. For PD18, make sure you download and install this patch:

You can confirm that the patch was installed correctly by opening up PD again and clicking on the camera icon at the top left of the app window, then verifying that the last digits of the version number are .3801.x (where x doesn't matter)

Yeap. This is exactly it !!!!!!! And the patch doesn't help at all cry Any ideas ?
Quote There have been many issues over the years with the direct uploading module, especially when YT changes their API and/or video requirements.

You haven't stated which version of PD you're having trouble with, and it's possible the issue is with related to the version of PD you're running. If you have a perpetual (lifetime) license, check the software updates page to see if there's a patch available.

I hapend to have the exact same problem. I use Power Director 18. I' ve downloaded the patch you recommended BUT my problem is still there frown Do you see any other solution or do i have to buy undecidedyell version 21 ?
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