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Same problem here.

Win7 64-bit. Original full-version purchase: PowerDVD 10 Ultra. Subsequent purchase: PowerDVD 11 Ultra. Previous patch applied: to build 1719 (early 6/2011).

I still can't use this program without it disabling Windows Aero, either. And I still have difficulty getting it to work with my sound card. I was hoping this patch might fix that.

I FULLY ENDORSE the comments from CRAIG R and STEPHEN J: the Cyberlink upgrade installer policy is a nightmare. We should not have to reinstall every previous version whenever we run into trouble, or buy a new computer. And PowerDVD 11 ultra upgrade leaves thousands of no-longer-used values in the Windows Registry when it 'uninstalls' version 10.

Even Adobe Creative Suite, a far more valuable and thief-tempting software, allows you to do a clean install simply by furnishing the previous version's serial number.

For the same price as PowerDVD, I can buy a blu-ray player and hook it to the unused HDMI port of my 2nd monitor. Can anybody at Cyberlink make the argument that this is NOT a better solution than a buggy, uninstallable, overpriced program?

I have found a workaround for the Aero situation -- at least on one of my computers (haven't tried it on the other), and at least for DVDs ripped to the hard drive (haven't tried it for an actual inserted DVD).

1. Go ahead and open a DVD movie on the hard drive. PowerDVD will disable Aero and start the movie.
2. After just a few seconds of a scene, stop the movie. Don't pause; STOP altogether.
3. The movie will close out, the opening/welcome screen of PowerDVD will re-appear, and aero will be re-enabled.
4. Then, re-open the same DVD movie and choose RESUME.
5. Voila. Movie resumes playing, without disabling Aero.

Your mileage may vary. And, of course, a workaround is no substitute for a true fix, but I thought I would report it anyway.

I also managed to get the virtual sound card working on the computer where it formerly wouldn't, but I have no idea how I did it. I tried about 20 procedures and tweaks of various sorts in rapid succession, and finally something caused it to work. I can't say whether I did something right, or just 'tricked' or 'confused' PowerDVD into recognizing the virtual sound card--I certainly confused myself. Whether it will continue to work or not, for now I can only cross my fingers.
Here are DXDiag (32bit) for both my computers, combined into 1 text file.

- 'computer #1' - a core2-quad / P45 named 'homegrown'
- 'computer #2' - an i7 / X58 named 'homethrone'
- both use the same model video card, Sapphire Toxic Vapor-X Radeon HD6870
- all monitors (dual on #1, triple on #2) are Dell Ultrasharp of various vintage

Same thing happens on both of them -- Aero is disabled by regular DVDs, whenever I either insert an actual DVD disc or choose 'play movie on hard drive' and point to a DVD ripped on my HDD.

But aero is not disabled by blu-ray.


As long as I'm submitting DXDiags, I would also like to mention the other real irritation, which has to do with audio, since the DXDiag also enumerates audio devices.

Despite very similar audio devices between the two computers, I get NO SOUND on computer #2 in PowerDVD Ultra 11, whenever I try to play ANY kind of dvd or hard-drive-ripped DVD movie. The only way to get sound when playing these is to DISABLE the default sound device ('Line 1 Breakaway Pipeline', a virtual device, see below). But with other kinds of media like youtube, or with audio files, the sound works fine, without having to disable the default sound device. It's only DVDs where I get no sound.

Wherease on the other computer, the old core2quad ('computer #1'), which has the exact same default sound device, I have no such problem. Sound works fine there for anything I try to play: DVD, blu-ray, ripped DVD, other video files, youtube, whatever.

Both computers use a virtual sound card (software, that provides some DSP-type enhancements) called 'Line 1 Breakaway Pipeline' as their default sound playback device. (more info here:

This virtual soundcard hooks into their physical sound cards, which on both computers are Asus Xonar PCI-express sound cards. The older computer #1, the one without audio problems, has an Asus Xonar D2X; the newer computer #2, where I'm having the audio problems, uses an Asus Xonar Essence STX. The Asus Drivers are almost identical between the two cards.

With this combination of Breakaway virtual sound device + Asus Xonar physical sound card, I have never encountered any audio problems with any other media player of any sort. Only PowerDVD, and only on the i7 computer.

Maybe the DXDiag will yield some clues. Frankly, on the i7 computer, I have just about given up using PowerDVD at all because of these multiple problems. Fortunately, the older computer, the core2 quad, is the one that I use for entertainment. The i7 is really supposed to be a pure work computer. Still, it would be nice if PowerDVD would actually run reliably on it, without the audio problems.

This is really irritating. It's nice to have an option in PowerDVD 11 Ultra that keeps Windows aero enabled when playing BLU-RAY dvds -- this is an improvement over version 10.

However, playing REGULAR, non-blu-ray DVDs now causes automatic aero disabling, and there is no setting I can find to correct or override this. Adjusting the aero setting for blu-rays makes no difference.

The previous version, Power DVD 10 Ultra, did NOT disable aero for regular DVDs. (It did disable drop shadows, although you could manually enable them.)

This is happening on BOTH my computers. I have plenty of video card power. (Radeon HD 6870 cards on both machines.) Both machines run Win7 pro 64-bit on Intel cpu/chipsets (core2 quad / p45 on one; i7 / X58 on the other).

Before I contact technical support, I wonder if anyone on the forum can offer advice about this.

When I play a regular dvd, both these processes run:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD11\PowerDVD11.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD11\Movie\PowerDVD.exe"

Windows identifies the latter, the .exe inside the Movie subfolder, as the offending process causing Aero to be disabled. It labels it as "PID 2276".

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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