Last year somebody showed me a really easy way to mix between video tracks, it worked a treat but for the life of me I cannot recall how to do this, can anybody help me again
Many thanks
Nina:- Trying to attach a small file for you but even a small few seconds clip of raw .MTS file is around 30mb.
Carl:- I have PCIe slots available, was actually looking at the card you have, has come down to a reasonable price but I may have to look for one a little cheaper right now, I will be looking for a min of 1gb memory, is there any other criteria that I need to be aware of?
Thanks for all your help
Ok I understand that now, can you recommend a video card or a good make then I will see what I can get to fit my PC.
Hello, today I installed 8gb ram and the problem still exists. I don't understand how the video card can affect the end file, it is the same if I burn directly to DVD or copy the files onto other pcs to play, even is the same on my iPad.
Downloaded mp4 movies play perfect too.
Will do so shortly... Just noticed that my Camcorder is set up for 1080i and not 1080p, this should not make any difference though.
Hi Jim
Thankyou for the suggestion, I have installed 8gb Ram and the problem is still there...
Anyone els have any other suggestions?
My raw AVCHD files perfectly, the moment I pull them into Cyberlink and produce an MP4 movie I get this problem of the film being all jumpy..!
Even short movies at 1-2 mins with no transistions.
Could it be to do with the region codings etc.. my camcorder is an NTSC model so should I have any partticular settings for this in CL.
Hi Nina
At this stage I will try anything, is it possible that this could affect the rendering?
here are the DxDiag files you requested, many thanks for your help
Hi Nina
Thank you for a very quick response..
I purchased a PC with a good spec in mind for this purpose, of top of my head cannot recall exact spec, I actually have
2 PC`s one is a quad core and one is a dual core, I have a minimum of 4mb RAM and the problem is on both.
this morning I just started a new project and dragged and dropped files with no transistions at all and the problem was the same, it was only about 3 mins long, what I did notice though is that it looked fine when I created an AVI file of it.
I film in 1080p.
I am new to this so would like some help with a problem encountered...
I have imported and edited 2 movies now from my Panasonic SD9 camcorder (American version), impoted the AVCHD
files directly onto pc then loaded up into CL.
The edited films looks perfect when viewed in the editors window pane, the raw files also play perfect
on my PC, however, when Rendering and creating any type of Mpeg file and I playback the film it does what I can only describe as strobing / stuttering / lagging, this is more noticable when viewing panned shots. this happens no matter what media player is used, also this is the same when the film is burnt onto DVD and played back on my TV...
This has happened twice now and the completed movie is virtually unwatchable.
Any ideas anyone?
Many Thanks